Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

Why is our state dept not calling in the Australian Ambassador over this? (I know the real answer Bob so no need for an explanation ;))

Why is our state dept not calling in the Australian Ambassador over this? (I know the real answer Bob so no need for an explanation ;))

Note that Brasil recently banned X (Twitter) for similar claimed reasons. X told them to F-off.

This this what happens (to a country and it's citizens) when a country decides to block the flow of information.
This whole election thing is just so surreal. Shit is happening so fast and things keep changing up so frequently, it almost feels like a dream. Even the orange man bad getting shot seems like distant memory and the fact that NOBODY who should be talking about it is talking about it makes the whole thing seem like it never happened at all. I really do feel like we're all just going through the motions just to make it "seem" like there's some kind of "democracy" at work here and to create the illusion of fairness. Tomorrow, we'll all wake up and find ourselves fully ensconced in a new world order and that will be that.
I know it’s not as as bad as North Korea or the like, but I assume this is what it feels like to be in a communist country… as far as information dissemination is concerned. The media has always been left-leaning for as long as I can remember but nowadays it’s on a whole new level. And it feels like the American people don’t give a fuck about it.
If this is true, she had the questions.

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