Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

This could be a good time. If you go leave your cell phone at home and ride the metro into town. Leave at the first hint of violence.

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View attachment 413478
While this will probably be a great rally I wish they would do this somewhere in America not in DC. Leaving your phone at home won’t prevent you from being identified with facial recognition and cameras everywhere down there.
While this will probably be a great rally I wish they would do this somewhere in America not in DC. Leaving your phone at home won’t prevent you from being identified with facial recognition and cameras everywhere down there.

Almost nothing will protect you completely. All you can do is mitigate.

Remember, they want you to be scared and they want to intimidate you into not to attending these types of events.

Any location that hosts this will be surveilled. Cars with license plate readers will collect all the plate data, devices that collect your cell phone info will be deployed, and cameras will be emplaced to collect your facial information. Lastly HSI will be in the crowd hanging out and eliciting your personal information. It’s not paranoia it’s real.
How TF does a football player get dragged out of his vehicle, cuffed and put on the ground, for SPEEDING (And rightfully so - calm down - the cops were right on), but we'll let fucking illegal alien gangs take over buildings?!

IMHO this so-called debate looked more like a poorly written, scripted and rehearsed performance from ABC and Harris...We know mainstream media has been caught before giving DemonCrats questions before debates. With Kamala's very close longtime friendship with Dana Walden (Disney/ABC) and ABC's constant attacks on Trump, it is NOT a stretch to imagine them scripting and rehearsing the 'debate' with Harris. She is too damn stupid for them to just give her the questions in advance, mainstream media's SOP for DemonCrats...
Another 'tell' this was scripted / rehearsed were the over the top facial expression's performed by Harris...
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