Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

lol, the short vid of her summed it all up

I really liked JD before this but I like him even more after that. He was having none of lil Z's bullshit
I like how Trump and JD work together as real leaders. Lil Z didn’t know what the hell just hit him! I also like how JD is still in the game despite Trump’s current lack of endorsement- which I believe will come.
I like how Trump and JD work together as real leaders. Lil Z didn’t know what the hell just hit him! I also like how JD is still in the game despite Trump’s current lack of endorsement- which I believe will come.
Agree. Vance still has to earn it. As I said before it’s still early and after Pence stabbed him in the back and McDonnell stabbed him in the front he’s going to hold off. IMO Vance has the chops and is proving himself worthy of assuming the mantle of MAGA but there’s a mid term and a lot of battles yet to be waged.
But having watched the whole thing, it’s kinda weird that all was good and well and for the better part of half an hour before the little guy’s meds wore off or something LOL
I think it may have been building. Rubio did an interview with someone a few days ago stating how zelensky was being 2 faced even under biden and had no appreciation for anything we were doing. He would tell us one thing then the opposite to others all while taking our money.
I think it may have been building. Rubio did an interview with someone a few days ago stating how zelensky was being 2 faced even under biden and had no appreciation for anything we were doing. He would tell us one thing then the opposite to others all while taking our money.


Remember, Lil-Z is a performer, quite literally. Prior to his entry into politics he was a comedian who played the piano with his dick. Seriously.

Now if we could only ship the DemonCrat party to Ukraine along with Lil' Z...DemonCrats, nothing but a bunch of treasonous anti-American bastards.

Wouldn't be too hard, just tell them they won a free all paid by taxpayer's money trip to anywhere in the world. And once in the air fly to Ukraine
and insistingly drop them off.
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