I know you know this, but every country has natural resource riches. All of them. It's only been a hot minute since the last "Largest ever oil field discovered in ......." Oil is everywhere and it's the lousiest kept secret that it's an overly abundant, renewable resource. Fossil fuel is right up there with the worst label of anything ever. Diamonds, gold, lithium, all that shit is everywhere.
Lithium that is supposedly scarce & controlled by China......Nope
But mining the area is controversial.
The Marcellus Shale and Point Pleasant-Utica Shale formations of the Appalachian Basin contain an estimated mean of 214 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered, technically recoverable continuous resources of natural gas, according to new USGS assessments.
In early examinations of a recent gold deposit discovery, it appears to meet the criteria of what experts called a "supergiant" deposit.
Rare Earth metals:
The batteries in your cell phone, the glass in solar panels and other important materials all depend on rare earth minerals. That’s leading to a new mining rush in the West.
It's all an orchestrated scam for control.