Snorkel? Or Snorkel!


New member
Hey everyone, I was wondering who was riding around with a snorkel. I know there are a few brands out there and I was curious if anyone had some input on them.
For the mudders and river waders is a must, for the rest it's one of those mods that looks awesome but not entirely necessary...
I bought the AEV snorkel after I had to unclog mud from my air box after hitting a puddle too fast!

So IMO cheap insurance if you might be doing the same!

The installation is simple and when you are in the Jeep you can hardly see it.
I'll check it out. It floods a lot where I am and I have gone through water a few times too fast and watched it come over the hood. I got lucky
I have the Rugged Ridge. Not an easy install but worth it to me. I don't do much water but I do run trails where I am not the first Jeep. I love it for its looks but its function as a pre-cleaner is worth its weight in K&N filter oil.001.jpg055.jpg063.jpg
I was curious if anyone had some input on them.

Yes, I have some input. Don't think that just because you have a snorkel you can go through 2 feet of water. Ask me how I know.

My son went driving in a lake and the transmission sucked in a bunch of water. $2,500 later and we have a rebuilt transmission. :doh:
Hey everyone, I was wondering who was riding around with a snorkel. I know there are a few brands out there and I was curious if anyone had some input on them.

Do you really wheel your Jeep in places where you'd actually need one or do you just like the look of them?
Do you really wheel your Jeep in places where you'd actually need one or do you just like the look of them?

Yea I have been in deep water a few times and had water come over my hood. I was Lucky to not hydro lock it. I don't buy anything for looks, that's why I am trying to find a snorkel people have used successfully
Yes, I have some input. Don't think that just because you have a snorkel you can go through 2 feet of water. Ask me how I know.

My son went driving in a lake and the transmission sucked in a bunch of water. $2,500 later and we have a rebuilt transmission. :doh:

I didn't know transmissions would suck in water. That's pretty interesting
I used to run a volant, and still have it sitting in my basement. To me I feel it seals up better than some of the brands, hell I even forgot my hood latches once and the hood stayed down only because of the snorkel and how tight it fits together. I would love to sell it.
We've been running the AEV snorkel for a while now. I almost hydro locked my Cherokee after running through a mud hole that dropped off and put about 8" of water inside the cab, and mud was sucked into the intake (had a 6.5" lift and 35's). Decided a snorkel would be nice to have, should I do that again. Does it make the whole jeep waterproof? No, but it can't hurt if you ford deep water or uncertain depth mud holes.
Even a water covered track can throw water up around the airbox intake.....had some surge up there after going through hub height muddy water. Plus, creek/river crossings are not unheard of on Australian tracks......this pic is actually both a river and a track.... :yup:

I chose the AEV for a number of reasons including that it has the fewest joints (one - at the airbox) and the whole snorkel is up high. Also, it does not restrict vision.....the RR one in the above pics would be illegal in a RHD country due to it partially covering the windscreen on the RH side. Of course, there are aftermarket fenders that the AEV doesn't work with...pays to check.
Interesting read. I have been driving through some fairly deep water crossings lately due to all the flooding here in Columbia SC. A few times I've had water over the hood and half way up the doors. Lots of crossings with water to the floorboards. No issues whatsoever. Is there something I should be looking for to prevent damage?
I chose the Rugged Ridge Snorkel.

I did invent cuss words during the install.

I did say out loud that I wouldn't wish this install on my worst enemy.

But in the end, I'd do it again. The finished product is nice and it's a good looking snorkel(if such a thing exists:))

Install took 8 hours but that included removing my lightbar and dropping my rock slider (11 nutserts and 3 body mount bolts), then reinstalling them.

Interesting read. I have been driving through some fairly deep water crossings lately due to all the flooding here in Columbia SC. A few times I've had water over the hood and half way up the doors. Lots of crossings with water to the floorboards. No issues whatsoever. Is there something I should be looking for to prevent damage?

If you didn't extend the breather tubes for your axle you might have gotten water into them. I'd look into a diff fluid change. If you have a manual and shifted, you could have gotten water into the trans.

Water crossings suck.
Install took 8 hours but that included removing my lightbar and dropping my rock slider (11 nutserts and 3 body mount bolts), then reinstalling them.

Im curious to why the sliders had to be dropped? No saying its wrong but I dont see how they are in the way of the install.
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