SMORR June 13th-14th

For tent camping, you don't need a reservation. There is LOTS of room.

We are planning on bringing snacks/sandwiches on the trail with us also.

Trails, CB, and order - I agree.

Ok, sounds good, Thanks! I've been there quite a few times, I just always head home after wheeling so I've never stayed overnight. :beer:
I'll go ahead and throw my plans out there for the trip, as they are firmed up now. I'll be down Friday evening; has anyone reserved a camping spot that has room for me to throw my tent down? My wife started a new job working the night shift, so I can only wheel til about 4pm on saturday then I have to head home to watch the baby. :naw:

Also, are we planning on just eating snacks out on the trail for lunch or is anyone planning on heading back to base camp to make lunch? Doesn't matter either way, just need to know so I pack accordingly.

And finally, I figured we could discuss what trails we want to run, what CB Channel we'll be using and what order we're going to stack the rigs when we all get together? Unless someone has other ideas.

See y'all next weekend!


Since we are planning on being in Springfield late morning/early afternoon, we were probably just gonna pick up some Subway and throw them in the cooler. Unless someone is gonna have a small grill down there, we can always bring some hotdogs or brats to grill. We'll know more next week when everyone has final plans.

Does anyone know if you have to pay to get into the campground if you're not wheeling? We might just come and meet everyone at the campground Friday evening and have a beer, but don't wanna spend $30 getting in if we're not gonna be wheeling Friday
Someone was asking about a cost to hang out and not go on the trails. I think it's $5 per person if I'm reading the site correctly.
Since we are planning on being in Springfield late morning/early afternoon, we were probably just gonna pick up some Subway and throw them in the cooler. Unless someone is gonna have a small grill down there, we can always bring some hotdogs or brats to grill. We'll know more next week when everyone has final plans.

I have a small propane grill for burgers and brats, but it can only handle a few at a time. Usually cook hot dogs over the fire.

Does anyone know if you have to pay to get into the campground if you're not wheeling? We might just come and meet everyone at the campground Friday evening and have a beer, but don't wanna spend $30 getting in if we're not gonna be wheeling Friday

I plan to call Brandon today. I'll just ask him.
I have a small propane grill for burgers and brats, but it can only handle a few at a time. Usually cook hot dogs over the fire.

I plan to call Brandon today. I'll just ask him.

Ok, well just to make things easier, we will just plan on bringing some Subway sandwiches for ourselves. Looks like now they're calling for rain there next weekend :(
Well, looks like I'm off the roster. My plans got changed by my employer and so I'll be out of state 13 June to 21 August.

I hope you folks do this again this fall so we can get a chance to wheel with ya.
Well, looks like I'm off the roster. My plans got changed by my employer and so I'll be out of state 13 June to 21 August.

I hope you folks do this again this fall so we can get a chance to wheel with ya.

What??? That sucks man! But we'll definitely have to plan another one in the future!
Well, looks like I'm off the roster. My plans got changed by my employer and so I'll be out of state 13 June to 21 August.

I hope you folks do this again this fall so we can get a chance to wheel with ya.

Bummer! I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunity in the future.
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