Okay okay okay, so the way I make my pork. I take a 8lb shoulder and lather it lightly with mustard and my favorite rubs, throw it on the smoker with 3/8 cherry, 3/8 apple, 1/8 pecan, 1/8 hickory. I’ll smoke until it turns a dark red, basically until it appears finished and ready to serve (usually 160-170 internal).
At this point I will pan the shoulder and pour over 1 cup of apple juice, 1/2 cup cider vinegar, sprinkle brown sugar over the top, and a nice season of rub over the top. Foil the pan, insert the probe, and back on the smoker it goes until 205-210.
At 210 I pull the pan and bring it in, remove the foil and use my bear claws to remove the shoulder from the pan carefully so it doesn’t explode. Pour all juices into a fat separator(should be quite a bit of juices saved) and let it sit while you start shredding with the bear claws, fork, etc. once you see that your fat has separated and floated up pour ALL of the juices back into the pork evenly. This part is the key to having pork that is juicy and tender and PACKED with flavor(try the juice, you’ll see what I mean). From this point I will toss it a bit in the pan and season lightly with a little more rub.
This is the method I have came up with over the years and I can’t tell you how many people have been blown away by the flavor. Saving those juices and reintroducing them takes pulled pork to the next level, that’s for sure.
I have a really good sauce recipe as well if any of you like super sweet thin sauces. Goes extremely well with pulled pork