Shower Thoughts

You can get a good look at a t bone by sticking your head up a bulls ass but wouldn’t you rather take the butchers word for it.
That’s a good way to get the shit kicked out of yourself.If a butcher slapped down a plate full of balls when I asked for a t-bone I’d slap the butcher .
It's time to put the P.C. culture aside. JMO
I agree with the PC bullshit needing to go but I don't feel that not wanting people cussing around kids is PC. I feel that falls more in the common decency category, long before PC was a thing this was common practice.
Long ago people taught their kids right form wrong too. Do as I say not as I do.
Now so many teach kids to do whatever they feel like doing, probably why so many of them are weirdo's. Also being overly defensive of kids is a common trait anymore, people say "My kid would never..." I tell my kids they are guilty until proven otherwise so I better not hear any complaints about them, it seems to be working.

My kids teacher just quit (or fired) because parent complaints that he was too strict. I kinda liked the guy. Even my neighbor who acts like a hardass didn't tolerate the teacher saying his kid is a problem when she clearly instigates all of the trouble she gets in.
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