Shower Thoughts

Now so many teach kids to do whatever they feel like doing, probably why so many of them are weirdo's. Also being overly defensive of kids is a common trait anymore, people say "My kid would never..." I tell my kids they are guilty until proven otherwise so I better not hear any complaints about them, it seems to be working.

My kids teacher just quit (or fired) because parent complaints that he was too strict. I kinda liked the guy. Even my neighbor who acts like a hardass didn't tolerate the teacher saying his kid is a problem when she clearly instigates all of the trouble she gets in.
Teaching them the ways of our justice system. Guilty until proven innocent. Lol
The truly funny part of “Let’s go Brandon” is that it all originated from the media trying to cover up what the fans at the NASCAR race were actually chanting. Anyone who watched that interview knew that the reporter was full of crap and that what the fans were actually chanting was “Fuck Joe Biden”. This event was seen as just another example of media dishonesty and by saying “Let’s go Branden” people are not just voicing their displeasure of the prez, but of the biased media.

Thats just my opinion, and I could be drinking…… 🥃 🤣
I think the teachers and principals & parents need to bring back the whippins . Most kids today have no respect. There being raised by social media and television.
I agree, my wife taught at a Montessori school temporarily. She would get spit on and she couldn’t discipline.
I just cussed out an automatic phone payment robot because the online website was down. The response I got is "Sorry for your frustration but we are short-staffed right now. Is there anything else I can help you with?" I so hate this world right now.
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