Shower Thoughts

Why is the media so hesitant to disclose the location of where the virus came from yet has no issue disclosing where the rocket came from? Every fucking headline right now is China Rocket or Chinese Rocket.
Why is the media so hesitant to disclose the location of where the virus came from yet has no issue disclosing where the rocket came from? Every fucking headline right now is China Rocket or Chinese Rocket.
If you don’t watch the news you don’t see the headlines.
If you don’t watch the news you don’t see the headlines.
Good answer!

I decided to ignore most of the noise that calls itself news. I listen to sports radio, and Jeep shit. My life is happier since I started doing that.
I get more than my fill of "news" from the posts here,.
I’d never wish my daughters childhood away but it would sure be easier to mow the back yard without a play set and trampoline back there
F'ing trampoline is the only thing i have left to deal with, convinced the wife to let me cut up the giant swing set/playhouse thing last summer. I'll wear her down on the tramp this year, otherwise it will "break" again this fall
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