Shower Thoughts

Why can't beer be packed with protein calories vs empty calories? Have a fun, easy diet, and build muscle at the same time.
Why can't medicine have good side effects like, will make you extremely sexy or give you 20/20 vision?
Why can an employer fire you at any point for any legal reason without notice but you’re expected to give a notice?

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Why can't medicine have good side effects like, will make you extremely sexy or give you 20/20 vision?

Tbh, cocaine can give you superhuman strength. I don’t see why if you need to change the engine in your Jeep you can’t smoke a little crack.

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There are Jeepers that I've met recently who weren't even born when we first started WAYALIFE.
We have fans of our YouTube channel that were in grade school when their dads first showed them our videos.
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