Saying Good Bye to Wilma - Lost her in a house fire on 6/20

Sorry to hear about your loss. It's good to hear no one was hurt. You can always replace the material stuff.
A jeep can be replaced a family can not! I'm glad everyone is safe. Good luck on getting life back to normal.
Glad you and everyone are ok. From your pictures, I'm shocked, but glad the rest of the house has been virtually untouched. You were speaking about another rig to "replace" Wilma. Start a GoFundMe and share it on here, and your local Jeep clubs. I'm sure I speak for the rest of us, but we'd love to help out as best as we can. Us Jeep pals will always stick together no matter what. :friends::usa:
Man that's terrible I hate that happened to y'all I hope that all works out for the better in the end
Very sad to hear, but praise the Lord that no one was injured or hurt.

Wilma was a beautiful rig! She will be missed!
Horriable news, glad everyone got out! I hope your insurance comes through soon so you can start re-building your life!
Sorry for your loss but am very thankful no one was hurt. Quick thinking to get everyone out. You and your family will be in our thoughts.
Things can be replaced, lives cannot. I'm grateful that no one was hurt and I'm sure you'll have Wilma 2.0 soon enough.

Good luck!
Sorry man! Thanks for sharing, I know it must be tough to type it out & share like you did. Please keep us posted & like Trevor said, let him, us, somebody know if y'all need anything. Praying for quick recovery of a "normal" life.
I'm sorry for your losses. As you said it was a blessing that the fire did start later when your family was sleeping. I hope the insurance company does right by you and your family.
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