San Diego to Salt Lake

Taking the long haul straight up the 15 to see my family in Salt Lake! Will take some pics along the way of the sights I see.

Getting on the road!

Man, the fog is thick this morning in the Temecula area.

Finally! The sun’s out.

Anddddd stuck in the inevitable Riverside traffic. Why is this bad this early?!? Stuck behind a gay Silverado EV too.

Finally, some open road.

And here’s where I am now - first fuel stop in Barstow at a familiar station.
Now these canyons are always a sight to see! Been years since I’ve been through here.
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Quick pit stop at a turnout to get some cool pics.
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A look down into the Virgin River
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Crossed into the 3rd and final state!
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How's your jeep handling the temp? I can't imagine it's loving 105+ lol.
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