Round Mountain/Hadly, NV


Well all, especially those in the northern NV. My wife has a sudden and unexpected job opportunity in Round Mountain/Hadly, NV. When I say sudden I mean she got a call today and it'd start in 2 weeks. Not being familiar with the area only have passed through there would it be worth a crazy whirlwind move? I want to get out of Comiefornia but I know this town is that of around 2k people. A far cry from my current small town of 80k people. Amenities were used to would be few and far between but I think we could adjust to that. Living in the hustling bustling so-cal area it'd be so nice getting out of that but again into literally the wide open. We know it'd be a hard and challenging move let alone on short notice (her new employer would work on a manageable timeline). So just looking for some advice and/or info. I know I know NV is not the place to go so I should just stay in CA or go elsewhere...haha.
Well all, especially those in the northern NV. My wife has a sudden and unexpected job opportunity in Round Mountain/Hadly, NV. When I say sudden I mean she got a call today and it'd start in 2 weeks. Not being familiar with the area only have passed through there would it be worth a crazy whirlwind move? I want to get out of Comiefornia but I know this town is that of around 2k people. A far cry from my current small town of 80k people. Amenities were used to would be few and far between but I think we could adjust to that. Living in the hustling bustling so-cal area it'd be so nice getting out of that but again into literally the wide open. We know it'd be a hard and challenging move let alone on short notice (her new employer would work on a manageable timeline). So just looking for some advice and/or info. I know I know NV is not the place to go so I should just stay in CA or go elsewhere...haha.
I don't know that area but sounds wonderful. Go and don't look back. Small town living is fantastic. A real sense of community.
I know you’re Mexican but no way you and your wife would enjoy living in that town. Honestly I doubt she would enjoy working there either.
No it’s full. Nevada is a great option, just not there. Not for what you do. If you wanted to ranch then maybe but education out there? Hell no.
Yeah thats what we were looking at. It's literally a "one room" school. As for ranching goes the only thing I know is hard work, I'm a quick learner, and have decently thick skin..haha.
The Big Smokey is a beautiful valley and my sister has a ranch out there. I love it and would totally live out there but it is remote living. People out there are super nice but the closest Walmart, Costco or anything more than a small grocery store is about 3 hours away.
No it’s full. Nevada is a great option, just not there. Not for what you do. If you wanted to ranch then maybe but education out there? Hell no.
Gold is what most people do out there but cattle is probably the closest 2nd. There was a bed and breakfast up in Kingston that was up for sale for a bit and if it still were, I think we would have been tempted to buy it.
I honestly love the idea of living out there. My wife's friend who actually recommended her for the position was from here and absolutely loves it up there. Says the community is great. Kids play outside all day. Really small town living. My wife got word that they'd actually hold the position for a year. That would be better so we could actually get out check it out and see if it's for us city slickers. Hopefully by that time NV isn't full like TN....haha.
Definitely total culture shock! 😀

The first challenge is how to get all the groceries one was used to before, or make do with less.

I see lots of mountains around the area so plenty of scenic views.
I'm all for with making due with less. Online ordering would be helpful for somethings I'm sure but I doubt instacart would make that trek.....haha.
I honestly love the idea of living out there. My wife's friend who actually recommended her for the position was from here and absolutely loves it up there. Says the community is great. Kids play outside all day. Really small town living. My wife got word that they'd actually hold the position for a year. That would be better so we could actually get out check it out and see if it's for us city slickers. Hopefully by that time NV isn't full like TN....haha.
If it is something you want to do, then you should do it! You only live once, and you are not getting any younger.

If it does not turn out, then move on.
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