Well all, especially those in the northern NV. My wife has a sudden and unexpected job opportunity in Round Mountain/Hadly, NV. When I say sudden I mean she got a call today and it'd start in 2 weeks. Not being familiar with the area only have passed through there would it be worth a crazy whirlwind move? I want to get out of Comiefornia but I know this town is that of around 2k people. A far cry from my current small town of 80k people. Amenities were used to would be few and far between but I think we could adjust to that. Living in the hustling bustling so-cal area it'd be so nice getting out of that but again into literally the wide open. We know it'd be a hard and challenging move let alone on short notice (her new employer would work on a manageable timeline). So just looking for some advice and/or info. I know I know NV is not the place to go so I should just stay in CA or go elsewhere...haha.