Recent Shooting and Discussion

If we talk about it, we’re worthless.... if we don’t talk about it we’re worthless.... Politics as usual. [emoji849]
I don’t think it is worthless. I actually find it quite interesting to read the points of view of other people, and to see how well they can present support for those points of view.
I don’t think it is worthless. I actually find it quite interesting to read the points of view of other people, and to see how well they can present support for those points of view.

I said that, because OverlanderJK’s statement was true, and because it has evolved into a Pro-Trump/Anti-Trump thread. Very few minds are likely to be changed.

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I said that, because OverlanderJK’s statement was true, and because it has evolved into a Pro-Trump/Anti-Trump thread. Very few minds are likely to be changed.

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I think of it like a Jerry Springer Episode. There is a lot of arguing.. it’s kind of depressing... nothing really gets resolved.... and you can tell right away which guy is fuckin his sister.... Still interesting to hear everyones opinion though. Lol

That's pretty interesting. Were you intentionally trying to support open borders? That data seems to pretty clearly support the argument that the greater the hispanic population as a percentage of the whole population (and the lower the percentage population of non-hispanic whites and blacks) the lower the likelihood of homicides. So the solution is to get rid of non-hispanic whites and blacks? :thinking:
That's pretty interesting. Were you intentionally trying to support open borders? That data seems to pretty clearly support the argument that the greater the hispanic population as a percentage of the whole population (and the lower the percentage population of non-hispanic whites and blacks) the lower the likelihood of homicides. So the solution is to get rid of non-hispanic whites and blacks? :thinking:

I think he’s saying if you have fewer black people you have more gun stores. At least, that’s the way I read the data.


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I think it is the extra 4% in Chicago🤣

Houston has 100%, Chicago is overloaded at 104%

The other thing is wherever you stand on what you think should be done, your opinion will likely offend or downright piss off close to half of those paying attention.

Be it politics, guns, or religion, most everyone is sure that their opinion is the best one, and all other viewpoints suck.
California schools had rifle and shooting teams when my folks were young. There were plenty of crazies around then too, but kids still were able to carry guns to class and no one blinked and mass shootings were rare. I think typically a lot of these mass shooters are not actually mentally ill per se, like actual mental insanity. They lived normal lives. I think it sources more from a widespread loss of a moral compass that is pervading our society that is undermining everything beginning at the family level and through education and society itself. Our culture might be improving in areas of denouncing slavery, racism and sexism, but is giving the next generation no moral guidance or purpose. Life is random meaninglessness, do, be, live however or whatever makes you feel long as it doesnt hurt anyone else. We celebrate people identifying as something that is contrary to their DNA. But on what ground can we condemn the shooters? Fact is, we have eroded that ground and have no moral authority left to argue from. Philosophically, we deny absolutes and right and wrong are mere societal constructs... Some of these shooters are probably suicides that have evolved into taking others with them with their hate, anger and disolution with a meaningless existence. Even in the US, life is harsh and difficult to deal with ofyen. Think of how many in our society are probably struggling, depressed, abusing substances- and then they decide to go out in a blaze of murder. It will get worse with publicity and copycats. Look at us over the last 60 years as a society. Same old evils exist now that existed then. But we are progressive! and we are progressing quickly downward in morality. We, like Rome, are headed for a fall.

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Well said.

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Ahh politics. I’ll keep my personal political views out of this, but I will say this.

What we have is a people problem, not entirely (key word entirely) a gun problem. If somebody wants to go on a killing spree, they’re going to find a way to. Knives, swords, cars, etc. they’ve all been used. It isn’t exclusively a “gun issue” like the media wants to portray.

Crazy people have always existed. Hell Caine killed Able with a rock. People will find a way to carry out what they want to do regardless of what they can and can’t get. I’m all for making certain types of guns harder to get, but I’m not for the government taking our guns. We have a constitutional right to bear arms and defend ourselves, and I’m a full supporter for the second amendment, but the buying process on certain kinds need to be stricter.

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