Recent Shooting and Discussion

Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Eun, Xi Jinping, Nancy Pelosi .... The list goes on and on.

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I'm not a total Trump basher, I voted for the guy. The alternative was awful. But I cannot be the only one going "Holy Fuck!" :doh:
Would it be asking too much for your president to be y'know, presidential?
If not semi auto firearms, then bombs (Boston), swords (Sydney), planes or maybe OG killing tools, rocks. Not to make light. But banning all inanimate objects is not the answer.

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Read my post. I never said 'BAN'. I think bans are stupid, people will kill people. I think making magazine fed semi-auto weapons a class III NFA item would reduce the occurrence of kids getting killed by psychos. Do you agree/disagree?
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I'm not a total Trump basher, I voted for the guy. The alternative was awful. But I cannot be the only one going "Holy Fuck!" :doh:
Would it be asking too much for your president to be y'know, presidential?

Exactly... Watching Trump Speak... is like watching Overlander giving a Ted Talk on “English Etiquette And the Proper use of Societal Political Correctness”.... I’ll be voting for him again though. Lol
No, no, no, maybe.

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Wow if you can’t watch the news and see this for yourself then I don’t know what to tell you. But if it is the left wing Pellosi and her cronies that you want running this country then go for it, let me know how it turns out for you. Wait a minute, if you want to see what this place will look like if that happens just look at the current state of Europe.

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Exactly... Watching Trump Speak... is like watching Overlander giving a Ted Talk on “English Etiquette And the Proper use of Societal Political Correctness”.... I’ll be voting for him again though. Lol


Not gonna lie: Hearing he called third world counties "shitholes" made me snicker just a little. Calling the city of Baltimore one was :shock:.
Wow if you can’t watch the news and see this for yourself then I don’t know what to tell you. But if it is the left wing Pellosi and her cronies that you want running this country then go for it, let me know how it turns out for you. Wait a minute, if you want to see what this place will look like if that happens just look at the current state of Europe.

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Stop. Regurgitating talk show tripe isn't helping

This is why I avoid politics. I'd rather poke my eardrums out with sticks that get into arguments over this nonsense because people do not want to compromise in any way. Neither side.
Define shithole. Because clearly your definition is different than every other Americans.

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Oh I don’t know? Lack of morals, parenting, a divorce rate that is over 75% in the first 3 years of a marriage. Making drugs legal, the entire he/she phenomena. Not only have we allowed illegals to come into our country and not prosecute them, but we allow them to file fraudulent tax returns and steal billions of our tax dollars. You have states filling for bankruptcy and others on the verge and state one of the main reasons is due to paying health care for illegals, while some of our Veterans are living on the streets and can’t even get proper care through the V.A. Yeah, sounds like a pretty shitty situation to me.

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Exactly... Watching Trump Speak... is like watching Overlander giving a Ted Talk on “English Etiquette And the Proper use of Societal Political Correctness”.... I’ll be voting for him again though. Lol

OMFG, I do not actually LOL often when I read something funny on the Internet, but this one caused me to literally laugh out loud, so loudly my wife asked me what was so funny. :)

Not gonna lie: Hearing he called third world counties "shitholes" made me snicker just a little. Calling the city of Baltimore one was :shock:.

But it was ok for Bernie to call it worse than a third world country? We have to many news networks only providing Activism and not enough doing journalism. Baltimore does need a lot of help, maybe Trump should have said it with a little more tact, but if it wasn’t racist for Bernie why is it for Trump?

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But it was ok for Bernie to call it worse than a third world country? We have to many news networks only providing Activism and not enough doing journalism. Baltimore does need a lot of help, maybe Trump should have said it with a little more tact, but if it wasn’t racist for Bernie why is it for Trump?

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C'mon. No, of course not. Where did I ever say it was racist? You're making my point about politics I raised earlier.

Getting out of the wading pool kids.
Oh I don’t know? Lack of morals, parenting, a divorce rate that is over 75% in the first 3 years of a marriage. Making drugs legal, the entire he/she phenomena. Not only have we allowed illegals to come into our country and not prosecute them, but we allow them to file fraudulent tax returns and steal billions of our tax dollars. You have states filling for bankruptcy and others on the verge and state one of the main reasons is due to paying health care for illegals, while some of our Veterans are living on the streets and can’t even get proper care through the V.A. Yeah, sounds like a pretty shitty situation to me.

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In the words of our fearless leader, if you don’t love it you can leave it.

Edit: Also, lol divorce rate over 75% in the first 3 years of marriage? Curious to hear where you’re getting your “facts” from...
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California schools had rifle and shooting teams when my folks were young. There were plenty of crazies around then too, but kids still were able to carry guns to class and no one blinked and mass shootings were rare. I think typically a lot of these mass shooters are not actually mentally ill per se, like actual mental insanity. They lived normal lives. I think it sources more from a widespread loss of a moral compass that is pervading our society that is undermining everything beginning at the family level and through education and society itself. Our culture might be improving in areas of denouncing slavery, racism and sexism, but is giving the next generation no moral guidance or purpose. Life is random meaninglessness, do, be, live however or whatever makes you feel long as it doesnt hurt anyone else. We celebrate people identifying as something that is contrary to their DNA. But on what ground can we condemn the shooters? Fact is, we have eroded that ground and have no moral authority left to argue from. Philosophically, we deny absolutes and right and wrong are mere societal constructs... Some of these shooters are probably suicides that have evolved into taking others with them with their hate, anger and disolution with a meaningless existence. Even in the US, life is harsh and difficult to deal with ofyen. Think of how many in our society are probably struggling, depressed, abusing substances- and then they decide to go out in a blaze of murder. It will get worse with publicity and copycats. Look at us over the last 60 years as a society. Same old evils exist now that existed then. But we are progressive! and we are progressing quickly downward in morality. We, like Rome, are headed for a fall.

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Promote LSD. Only the strong will survive!:eek:
In the words of our fearless leader, if you don’t love it you can leave it.

Edit: Also, lol divorce rate over 75% in the first 3 years of marriage? Curious to hear where you’re getting your “facts” from...

At the time when I was married in 2012, and I believe it was from the CDC. However I will say that was higher than the % my pastor shared with me. But it is odd that this is what stood out to you the most.

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Would it be asking too much for your president to be y'know, presidential?

Well said! I voted for him too, but I can’t stand to hear him talk or hear what he puts out on twatter. Someone needs to just cut his non-official communication and force him to read the scripts written for him.

I don’t necessarily want to vote for him again, in fact I’d love to get him out of office. But I would still rather him than anyone put up by the Left right now....

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This thread is still sad. Not as sad as elementary and high school kids getting murdered without ANY action to protect them, but still very sad.

The only thing that should be BANNED at this point is doing nothing.
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