Rausch Creek 8/24-8/25 trip pics

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/firespyer/9591768853/" title="wayalife2 by firespyer, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7292/9591768853_79a1844b26_b.jpg" width="1024" height="255" alt="wayalife2"></a>

More to come, being lazy today

EDIT: can't like photo from other sites, and too large to upload here, you can find my pics on flickr or my G+

Sean, there is only one photo for each of these links. I know you took way more photos than that
Yeah! Looks sweet! And we saw you were still up there when we got home we came here. I think I miss understud her I think we'll be there next week from Sunday
Great pics everyone. Had such a good time I really can't wait to go again. Thanks again to Mr. Madness for organizing it and for Tom leading us through the park pretending he knew where he was going. And of course thanks to Nubs, KP, Mark, Allen, and Balls for giving me an awesome first camping experience. Wish I could of stayed longer but duty called. Plus I was just taking advantage of that old hag.....
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Great pics everyone. Had such a good time I really can't wait to go again. Thanks again yo Mr. Madness for organizing it and for Tom leading us through the park pretending he knew where he was going. And of course thanks to Nubs, KP, Mark, Allen, and Balls for giving me an awesome first camping experience. Wish I could of stayed longer but duty called. Plus I was just taking advantage of that old hag.....

Glad to hear it! Don't forget to air out, clean, & pack up that tent up so we can set it up crooked again next time. :thumb:

Also, I think Mr. Madness forgot to post this shot of you drivin' into Rausch...
Sean, there is only one photo for each of these links. I know you took way more photos than that

Yeah, I started drinking... The the wife put on the VMAs so I had to drink more. I'll work on more during the week.

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