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That right there is the best you can have for Thanksgiving. We’ve raised our own turkeys in the past. The broad breasted whites grow fast. Will you sell any or are these for personal consumption ?
That’s what these are, or whatever variation the hatchery names them. We have 18 of them. We will sell some. A few are going to people who bought chickens from us as well. Probably try and sell more next year but this is our first year raising turkeys so wanted to experiment.
Did you buy the plans? It looks pretty interesting I’m pretty sure we need one or three of those but we have a lot of predators around that seem to defeat our neighbors tractors these look like maybe they’d hold them out.
Nah I just looked at pictures and went with it. I have this style and the salatin style and this one is nice because you can walk in it. But I like them both.
One of my biggest pet peeves. Conservatives don't move to blue states trying to change things. Yet liberals flee their shit holes and try to change paradise back to places they left. It's an evil cancer . Makes no sense.
Is that the case everywhere though? I feel like it’s not so much back here. I think Arizona and Nevada got it bad because Californians left and went to those two in search of cheaper cost of living. At least the more I think about it that makes the most sense.
Is that the case everywhere though? I feel like it’s not so much back here. I think Arizona and Nevada got it bad because Californians left and went to those two in search of cheaper cost of living. At least the more I think about it that makes the most sense.
Can't speak for AZ but in NV, Californians moving out to Vegas was/is definitely a thing and for it being more affordable. That said, there's nothing affordable about Northern NV. It's pretty much on par with the left state these days and it has been for a bit now. Hopefully, it'll help to slow the migration.
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