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By far, most cops are good cops. They are just trying to do their part and make it home alive. The problem is that most of the time you meet one you are probably doing something you shouldn't be doing.

No I love cops! Before I wanted to be one, I never do anything wrong, only traffic tickets for weeklies driving lol
No I love cops! Before I wanted to be one, I never do anything wrong, only traffic tickets for weeklies driving lol

I don't lie a lot of cops, but then I don't like a lot of people..... can't choose your "family" I guess.....
I don't lie a lot of cops, but then I don't like a lot of people..... can't choose your "family" I guess.....

opps.... don't like..... not lie. you'd think English was my second language. Guess typing while drinking is not a good idea.
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