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Never mind I will just take a pic of my dozen DDs with hot coco and chicken sandwich

Donuts and Cocoa is cool, but Donuts, Cocoa and a Chicken Sandich?! You are one random dude Brankz. God love ya!

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Brankzie, I hate to tell you this, but your Speech to Text app has a speech impediment or Dyslexia, not sure which.

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I was so excited to see this place after being in SoCal for the first 6 months(4yrs ago). Was happy to have good German food like back home in southern Ohio.....only to have that excitement be immediately extinguished when I found out it was a hotdog stand :grayno:

There are a few good spots in So Cal to get a good schnitzel, AND a brew. Obviously Der Weinershnitzel slangs some weak dogs.

Holy Cow Brankz! The pic gave me random thoughts. I haven't been to Der Wiernerschnitzel since I was a teenager in the 60's in Colorado Springs. There's no such thing as German fast food, but the Wiener gave it a try. The thing I loved most about them was I always got mustard on my wiener before I left the drive thru. Check it out, there's a Jeep in front of you in line. Did you stage that?:thumb:
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