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"Packing out what people pack in since 19xx":thumb:

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My youngest daughter actually taught me this one. I used to just get disgusted and complain about the trash that others left. The first time I took her out on the trail she had the same opinion but then started picking up the trash and tossing it in the back of the jeep. Now, not only do I carry trash bags with me wherever I go, but also pack out more than I brought. Seems so obvious now, but took a little motivation by one of my kids to push me in the right direction. :)
My youngest daughter actually taught me this one. I used to just get disgusted and complain about the trash that others left. The first time I took her out on the trail she had the same opinion but then started picking up the trash and tossing it in the back of the jeep. Now, not only do I carry trash bags with me wherever I go, but also pack out more than I brought. Seems so obvious now, but took a little motivation by one of my kids to push me in the right direction. :)

:). My wife and I always carry extra bags in the pack. I'm going to add a "Trasharoo" to my mods as well!
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