Random Internet Shit you've come across

Fed DOT is giving municipalities money to put them in. If you ever get to drive in DC you’ll know why, they are menacing especially with city busses with drivers that dont gaf. The end goal is to make driving as unpleasant and confusing as possible. IMO
When I lived in Boulder co, they did so much shit like that. There were literally boards that came up with ideas to make driving and parking so miserable that it would force more people to walk or cycle. Greenie eco terrorists.
When I lived in Boulder co, they did so much shit like that. There were literally boards that came up with ideas to make driving and parking so miserable that it would force more people to walk or cycle. Greenie eco terrorists.

Someday I'd really love to understand how these people came to have these insane beliefs. How can they be so against everything that the vast majority of the population is for.

Until then they can fuck the hell off
AUX battery died first day........🤪

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