Random Internet Shit you've come across

If only this guy would have had classified documents, the fbi would have had him last year before he killed 4 people. So close.

first thing out of my mouth to my 'I'll cut my hand off if the tell me to" hardcore democrat sister...
they knew, there were warnings and they did nothing.
meanwhile, guy posts a mean meme and gets arrested the next day...
Liz Cheney is a stone-cold conservative. Not a liberal bone in her body. But to her, Trump is evil incarnate.
I don't think she is. She's one of the elite and her true colors keep coming out. There's people on both sides that profit by fucking Americans and that's why they're scared to death that Trump is trying to end all of it. I don't know of a single candidate ever that has been dragged through the mud like Trump by corporations, courts, government, media, ugly lying girls that said he raped them, etc. There is so much corruption in government that is swept under the rug and they want to keep it there. Liz should have put just as much effort into a 911 commission that she did into Jan 6. But I think we know why that didn't happen.
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