Random Internet Shit you've come across

Liz Cheney is a stone-cold conservative. Not a liberal bone in her body. But to her, Trump is evil incarnate.
Uhh sure Bob! Lizard is a neocon like her father and Hillary. Whatever war is brewing she’s all for it. She hates Trump just as they all hated Reagan because neither one of them started any new wars. Her pockets are lined with blood money. If that makes her a conservative then I’m really glad I’m not a conservative. Though politically I’d probably be considered one.
Uhh sure Bob! Lizard is a neocon like her father and Hillary. Whatever war is brewing she’s all for it.
She is pretty much the opposite of Tulsi Gabbard when it comes to war. If you watched Tulsi's speech about why she is supporting Trump, it was all about avoiding needless wars and needlessly putting troops in harms way. This was also her platform when she ran as a Democrat.
She is pretty much the opposite of Tulsi Gabbard when it comes to war. If you watched Tulsi's speech about why she is supporting Trump, it was all about avoiding needless wars and needlessly putting troops in harms way. This was also her platform when she ran as a Democrat.
Either you just enjoy contradicting yourself or your sarcasm is absolutely terrible. Not sure we will ever know.
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I don’t know what funnier, the keeping track or the fact people are doing it. Read somewhere where someone did 1,100 laps. Lol
Both lmao Admittedly I’ve done a couple of laps when they installed one of our firsts, the kids thought it was great. 😂

These have been showing up a lot in Western Pa & Eastern Ohio in the past few years. It's scary how much confusion they can cause when they first open 🙄
These have been showing up a lot in Western Pa & Eastern Ohio in the past few years. It's scary how much confusion they can cause when they first open 🙄
For some reason our city thought putting 3 in a row was a good idea. You literally leave one to hit another within 50 feet.

It’s a damn cluster most of the time.
These have been showing up a lot in Western Pa & Eastern Ohio in the past few years. It's scary how much confusion they can cause when they first open 🙄
Fed DOT is giving municipalities money to put them in. If you ever get to drive in DC you’ll know why, they are menacing especially with city busses with drivers that dont gaf. The end goal is to make driving as unpleasant and confusing as possible. IMO
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