Random Internet Shit you've come across

Shukr was a close associate of now-deceased Hizballah commander Imad Mughniyah. Shukr played a central role in the October 23, 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine Corps Barracks in Beirut which killed 241 U.S. military personnel and wounded 128 others.

Had a delivery from a local liquor store and was unaware they use DoorDash as their delivery service. I was pissed off that they would send a driver who spoke NO English and wanted me to sign some shit on their phone which was in Spanish (I don't read Spanish).

I asked as best as I could for the "English" version and they shook their head no, I could tell they also wanted my driver's license as proof of age but fuck all that, I sent it back, and cancelled the order.

Surprisingly, the store manager called after I filled out the survey very negatively, apologized, offered a discount if I wanted to go to the store and do curbside pickup.

He let me know that this non-english speaking delivery driver complaint has become very common and because they can't really control what drivers pick up orders, all they can do is try to eliminate that driver from picking up.

Doordash is not the only delivery service, I've had others where the drivers spoke no English at all and just looked at me like fucking deer in the headlights.

A quick search and found this:

Providing Immigration Legal Support For Dashers With NYLAG Legal clinics will provide NYC Dashers with personalized counsel on complex immigration matters, bringing them and their families closer to life-changing resources
Shukr was a close associate of now-deceased Hizballah commander Imad Mughniyah. Shukr played a central role in the October 23, 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine Corps Barracks in Beirut which killed 241 U.S. military personnel and wounded 128 others.

He’s the reason my Marine Corps career began when it did. I was on delayed entry and supposed to go to Boot Camp in April ’84.
My recruiter called me the day of the bombing, I flew out on the 25th. Lots of quick goodbyes in those couple of days.
Yeah, people regurgitating info they read or see without knowing what it is.

The infamous photo of the tricked out, high end camera with the caption something like "Why do people need a weapon like this?" is a good example. It appeared on my wife's FB timeline and there was a TON of people commenting and upset about it. She showed it to me and I laughed. Went and got my camera and fully loaded all my accessories, brought it in to her and said "Look familiar?" She started laughing and said "People who don't know any different could easily get confused"
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