Random Internet Shit you've come across

My Doritos annual budget is less than my annual subscription to The New Yorker.

That said, I cannot fathom the management meetings that bring about these idiotic campaigns.

Who's the voice of reason in the room?
Where's the one person that speaks up and says, "You know, pandering to a polarizing ideological demographic that holds somewhere around a 0.01% share in the market, at the very real risk of alienating the other 99.99% maybe isn't such a great move.
I kinda want to sit in on one of those meetings just to see if anyone is actually paying attention. Seriously how could anyone think that was a smart marketing strategy? Hey Bud lite hold muh beer watch this. Guess at least they waited till after the super bowl.

If you've ever sat in on a corporate meeting full of middle management it's simple to see how these trainwrecks occur. I can't tell you how many stupid ideas I've witnessed by people I thought were sensible. They're all trying to get ahead and get noticed for their contributions. In that world it's really the only way they can move up. Mix that with the idiotic DEI warriors and viola! - marketing disaster here we come
If you've ever sat in on a corporate meeting full of middle management it's simple to see how these trainwrecks occur. I can't tell you how many stupid ideas I've witnessed by people I thought were sensible. They're all trying to get ahead and get noticed for their contributions. In that world it's really the only way they can move up. Mix that with the idiotic DEI warriors and viola! - marketing disaster here we come

Been there and done that.

One manager had 30 people convinced that we all were going to take the Myers-Briggs tests and let him evaluate the results critically. Why? Because he sat next to some yayhoo on a plane who was reading a book about it.
Some of these people had been there 20 years.
I said, "Well they can all do whatever they want, but I'm not doing it. I'm the same person you hired, so I kinda figured you already knew what you were doing."

Another cluster-fuck operation I worked for, I was late for a management meeting by a couple of minutes because of an emergency in my area. They said they had already started without me, and I said, "Any meeting that can start without me can finish without me, so I'm going back to fixing real problems."
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