There is a "Stool Bus" in Pie Town, New Mexico, but it lacks this cool artwork.
This is great. Regardless of religion and politics, people need to use their brains and realize how controlled we are. If everyone stood up to the system and just said 'no,' violence and force wouldn't even be necessary. So many people are just brainwashed to trust the wolf in the hen house and won't open their minds.Not necessarily my kind of music, but definitely my kind of message.
This dude ain’t even American but he sure can put some history lessons out there.This is great. Regardless of religion and politics, people need to use their brains and realize how controlled we are. If everyone stood up to the system and just said 'no,' violence and force wouldn't even be necessary. So many people are just brainwashed to trust the wolf in the hen house and won't open their minds.
Another similar song I love:
As long as they're real republicans. Real patriots. Not the fake ones that don't give a shit about the people they claim to represent.If by some miracle Republicans regain power you can bet that there's plenty more crazy stuff in the queue to slow them down.
Funny, if i make a error in my accounting, I’m liable to pay back taxes, penalties and at a high interest rate and or face jail time. If the Pentagon makes an accounting error, the blue and yellow flag people get $6.2 billion!
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I agree with this. My wife and I have gay neighbors that were friends with. They don't have rainbows all over and can't stand this movement. They're also more right leaning when it comes to politics too. I really couldn't care less about their personal business and they're not all look at me look at me.It's kind of funny. I have been around gay people all my life. Never bothered me because they weren't in your face about it.
Most of those people can't stand the militant homosexual movement that's been going on for several years. They say that it's really not anyone ones business except the people involved in the relationship. They supported legalizing marriage but didn't like the way it was done and what has become of that movement since.
They REALLY dislike the current "identify as" movement and say it has nothing to do with homosexuality and everything to do with being the center of attention at all times.
That's all, just an observation from a rare, heterosexual, white male.