Random Internet Shit you've come across

Trump upset the scam. If any other person would have done what he had done it would have resulted in the same outcome. Shortly after announcing his candidacy there were already talks of impeaching him. Remember Ross Perot? The same would have happened to him as Trump if he had been elected and gone against the Swamp. Pick any person and substitute for Trump and it would have been the same. We have lost control of our Fed government, some individuals cannot understand that. It is going to do what it wants and it does not give a fuck what you think.

Most everyone has heard of this quote: “Great Minds Discuss Ideas. Average Minds Discuss Events. Small Minds Discuss People.”

The above explains why many individuals are easily distracted by the ‘Orange Man Bad’ concept, it’s because they are unable to consider or process the events and/or the concepts related to what is really happening to us so they focus on the trivial. The concept of power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely- and that they are actually a victim of this concept is not something they are prepared to face so they take refuge in the low level thought process.

While humorous most of us understand there is more truth to this meme than we are comfortable with admitting.
View attachment 390726
Well said! 👍
I understand your point…caps are not necessary.

His legal problem is not about having the documents. His main legal problem is hiding them after a formal request by the National Archives to return them…then asked to return them by subpoena…and only after a warrant to search the premises turned up hundreds of these documents that he said he didn’t have them anymore…
You are talking about things that Trump's lawyers did. Trump himself did jack. He just didn't care.

I did not vote for the guy, but I would be the first to admit that he is not responsible for his actions.
We should also be concerned that there is this much "classified" material. Literally, everything the government does is now "a potential national security risk" I'm starting to feel more like a civilian and less like a citizen.
The only thing which is not classified is the content of your cell phone. That is more like a free-for-all.
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