Random Internet Shit you've come across

This is just wrong in so many fucking ways..... 🖕Morris4x4 got jokes!!!
Two days ago I got the monthly email saying it's going to be another month.(n)
This afternoon it’s June in AZ
I need to try that AZ 'Dry heat' some time. See what it's all about. It hit 94 F in Southern Indiana on Saturday. It had to be damn near 100% non-condensing humidity (it wasn't raining but as humid as it was it should have been sheeting from thin air). The only way I could stand to be outside was under a sprinkler. The heat and humidity were oppressive.

Humidity was back down Sunday and it was much more bearable. I'm really curious how this compares to AZ...
I need to try that AZ 'Dry heat' some time. See what it's all about. It hit 94 F in Southern Indiana on Saturday. It had to be damn near 100% non-condensing humidity (it wasn't raining but as humid as it was it should have been sheeting from thin air). The only way I could stand to be outside was under a sprinkler. The heat and humidity were oppressive.

Humidity was back down Sunday and it was much more bearable. I'm really curious how this compares to AZ...
It really does make a difference, you still have to stay well hydrated, but it doesn’t completely drain you like the humidity around here does. I often wonder why I still live in Indiana.
My first experience with ‘dry heat’ was in Mercury, NV. I jogged to the gym and had absolutely no sweat. It didn’t really feel as hot as the thermometer read. Being from Louisiana and east Texas, this was a foreign feeling. One of the guys quickly told me that I needed to hydrate ‘till your eyes float’ no matter what it feels like, I’ve followed that advice when in desert environments ever since.
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