I'm from Missouri and our heat is definitely not dry. The first time I traveled out west I flew to Vegas. I'll never forget walking out of the airport into the parking garage where I was waiting for my ride. I was standing next to a shuttle bus and I kept trying to move away from the exhaust blowing on my legs. When the bus pulled away I finally realized it was actually blocking some of the oven air from the rest of my body. Until that day I don't think I ever actually felt evaporation at work. Damn near gave me the chills.My first experience with ‘dry heat’ was in Mercury, NV. I jogged to the gym and had absolutely no sweat. It didn’t really feel as hot as the thermometer read. Being from Louisiana and east Texas, this was a foreign feeling. One of the guys quickly told me that I needed to hydrate ‘till your eyes float’ no matter what it feels like, I’ve followed that advice when in desert environments ever since.