Let me know how those work out for you.........Straddling the fence on whether or not these shower steamers are a good idea for the wife.View attachment 398478
Perfect gift for the Ex!Straddling the fence on whether or not these shower steamers are a good idea for the wife.View attachment 398478
It’s definitely not the end…The beginning?
Explosion on US-Canada Bridge in Niagara Falls Prompts Closing of Border Crossings
Should have happened on the Southern border.The beginning?
Explosion on US-Canada Bridge in Niagara Falls Prompts Closing of Border Crossings
No, they were trying to LEAVE this country. So any nefarious deeds they had in mind weren't intended for here.The beginning?
Explosion on US-Canada Bridge in Niagara Falls Prompts Closing of Border Crossings
Don't support us, we keel you homos......This shit is just too funny
Reddit - Dive into anything
Love how these anti-capitalist capitalists are losing their businesses.Gotta love shit like this
Restaurant that ejected family of Trump spokeswoman closes! * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh
Apparently telling two-thirds of the local population they are not welcome at your business is "not the best business decision," suggested a report at National File about the closure of the "Commie Cluck" restaurant.www.wnd.com
Nothing to see here... move along.I don’t know if this is real or not but if it is…
View attachment 398497