Active Member
Starvation is a horrible way to die.Stop selling your sole to Monsanto. Problem solved.
Organic produce is trendy but, won't feed the world.
Starvation is a horrible way to die.Stop selling your sole to Monsanto. Problem solved.
Let's hear it for ethanol (like welfare for farmers)!I'm all for a simplification of the tax code. I also believe everyone should pay their fair share. But, if a flat tax would eliminate all business expenses, no one would run a business. If taken simply on gross income, with no consideration for P&L, it would be like a mob protection shakedown.
I'm against govt. subsidies across the board. Including student loans, and farmers. They just drive prices up and/or reward poor inept operators.
My Brother-in-law, who farms a tremendous amount of land agrees. A cold turkey pull out of govt. payments would eliminate the weak sisters in the business overnight.
I only have a problem with the fact that the “Inflation Reduction Act” is nothing but more pork barrel spending. What they spend on tells you what they are really concerned about. They ponied up big for more IRS agents.Honest question. Do y’all think that the IRS shouldn’t actually be going after people and corporations for not paying taxes and/or for claiming bullshit deductions? I don’t have a bunch of deductions and I pay well over $100K a year in straight up withholding. So, from where I sit, bring it the fuck on. I’m sick and tired of paying for a bunch of freeloading, entitled pieces of shit who think they deserve to live a comfortable life without ever doing much of anything.
I'd much rather go on that boat.
Dude you’re cold hearted. Lol