Random Internet Shit you've come across

It's pretty apparent that the time that politicians felt they worked for us has long since passed. Until that time comes back the current state of nonsense is going to get worse.
And the answer isn't violent conflict.
That will only further divide everyone.
Somethng or someone needs to come along that does that. And I'm not smart enough to figure that out.

(I probably teed this one up nicely for a Kuboske response)
It's pretty apparent that the time that politicians felt they worked for us has long since passed. Until that time comes back the current state of nonsense is going to get worse.
And the answer isn't violent conflict.
That will only further divide everyone.
Somethng or someone needs to come along that does that. And I'm not smart enough to figure that out.

(I probably teed this one up nicely for a Kuboske response)
Unfortunately, that time won't just "come back".

Until people open their eyes and realize that almost NONE of the elected officials give a flying rat's ass about anyone but themselves, nothing will change.

What that means is the people have to get out of their comfort zones, stop voting for the party that you think represents your personal thoughts, and start digging into the what the candidate ACTUALLY stands for.

Most of the ones elected will lie through their teeth to get the financial backing they crave. Then when the time comes to actually vote on it, they do a 180 from what they campaigned on.

Neither party cares about John Q. Public beyond getting their vote. There's a reason almost destitute people become millionaires within 4 years of being elected to a position in D.C.. This happens in both parties, at least one side is honest about their desire to be richer. The other side decries the wealth for you and me but NOT themselves.

The Founding Fathers left doors open for another Revolution if needed, not a Civil War, but a Revolution.
Government has become the ultimate middleman inserting itself into everything in order to exert control, skim $$ off the top, and lower efficiency. Arguably it fucks up everything it touches.
The solution to this is to register to vote and vote for one of the options presented. By doing this we can improve the government so it does not have these problems.

Either that or figure out how to repeal the 16th amendment.
It's pretty apparent that the time that politicians felt they worked for us has long since passed. Until that time comes back the current state of nonsense is going to get worse.
And the answer isn't violent conflict.
That will only further divide everyone.
Somethng or someone needs to come along that does that. And I'm not smart enough to figure that out.

(I probably teed this one up nicely for a Kuboske response)
Just declare me King.
Honest question. Do y’all think that the IRS shouldn’t actually be going after people and corporations for not paying taxes and/or for claiming bullshit deductions? I don’t have a bunch of deductions and I pay well over $100K a year in straight up withholding. So, from where I sit, bring it the fuck on. I’m sick and tired of paying for a bunch of freeloading, entitled pieces of shit who think they deserve to live a comfortable life without ever doing much of anything.
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