How Skynet REALLY took overIt's funny because there are a ton of social media AI apps now that will create content based on what's trending and the companies advertise their service in a way that says, it's 'A LOT CHEAPER than hiring a social media manager'. Of course, the human job they're replacing was just a BS job anyway but what really cracks me up is that at some point and time, AI will just be posting stupidness based on what other AI has posted and on and on. It'll be one big circle jerk and real kicker is that real people will still be influenced by it. Hmmm.
Knowing full well that charging Trump will only increase his lead in the polls and arresting him will do so further. Why do "they" continue to use this tactic?Imagine that?
Some former 'Never Trump' voters now say they're backing GOP nominee after his conviction
Several voters spoke with The Free Press about how the recent conviction of former President Trump is motivating them to support him in the upcoming
Knowing full well that charging Trump will only increase his lead in the polls and arresting him will do so further. Why do "they" continue to use this tactic?
Thanks for the reminder I forgot today is that holiday.
It’s been twenty years? Damn