I can say no, I don't think voter fraud would be enough to completely change an election. As you've mentioned this country is completely divided. Unfortunately I feel that people voted for Biden over Trump simply because they do not like Trump. My in-laws did just that. Which I feel is not a reason to vote for someone especially if your views align more with the candidate you voted against.

If Biden is elected I'll still be a proud american and you won't here may saying "Not my president". I, after all, am still my own person and can continue to believe and act on those. Regardless of who wins the US is still the greatest country in the world.

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Well said, and more on both sides need to remember that regardless of who is in the White House, we are all Americans.
I don’t think there is widespread fraud going on. But, I do believe there is a lot of morons in the US that voted more then once. I personally watched an older lady walk up and ask at the polls yesterday. She said “I already mailed in my ballot, but I get to vote today too right.” How many just voted again and didn’t ask? Is there enough idiots to swing in a tight state? That I can’t answer.

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I know here in CA if you voted in person they cancelled your mail in ballot so even if you voted twice it would only be counted once.

However conspiracies could be chased that the numbers were seeing arent the actual votes of the people but are actually numbers posted and created by the gov to elect the individual they choose...hmmmmm.

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The election process is and will be a valid one.

That’s a bold statement... I admire your optimism.... yet doubt it’s validity.

In 4 years we have witnessed the levels at which the left will go to exit Trump. Enter a Plandemic... then the push for mail in voting... followed by an election which hinges on said mail in voting...

Anyone know why Trump's electoral votes just went from 213 to 214 with no new states results?

Serious question - do y’all really think there is widespread voter fraud and ballot forgery? I mean to the level that it could legitimately impact a national election?

If so, I’d love to see some actual proof. This nation is incredibly divided and I’m not surprised in the least that the election is close. But crying fraud without actual evidence is pointless.

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The election process is and will be a valid one. Trump won both WI & MI last election by smaller margins than Biden will win this election...most democrats chose to vote by mail this time, and they are still counting those votes...

I am thankful that more Americans cast a vote this election, more than any other election in history...
The simple fact that this nation is so evenly divided, makes fraud, so much easier.
A small amount of criminal fraud in a key state or two, could easily throw an election.
And, does anyone believe, the democrats would stop for one second, to commit such a thing?
The party of the lawless Clintons, or the riotous anarchist's????
Serious question - do y’all really think there is widespread voter fraud and ballot forgery? I mean to the level that it could legitimately impact a national election?

If so, I’d love to see some actual proof. This nation is incredibly divided and I’m not surprised in the least that the election is close. But crying fraud without actual evidence is pointless.

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I was thinking absolutely not until my buddy forwarded me this. IDK if totally true - I'm attempting to find independent confirmation somewhere


EDIT: Sorry folks - I should have looked a little harder before posting this it's confirmed that this tweet was FALSE:

According to the Wisconsin Election Commission, the “State of Wisconsin had 3,684,726 active registered voters on November 1, 2020.” It’s unclear where the “3,239,920” number shown in the above-displayed tweet comes from. As of this writing, The New York Times reports that a total of “3,296,836” votes have been cast in Wisconsin. In either case, the number of votes counted does not exceed the number of registered voters.

So where did the “3,129,000 registered voters” statistic come from? The 2018 midterms.

According to data from the United States Census Bureau concerning “Voting and Registration in the Election of November 2018,” Wisconsin had 3,129,000 registered voters in 2018.
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The simple fact that this nation is so evenly divided, makes fraud, so much easier.
A small amount of criminal fraud in a key state or two, could easily throw an election.
And, does anyone believe, the democrats would stop for one second, to commit such a thing?
The party of the lawless Clintons, or the riotous anarchist's????

And Republicans are not capable of fraud...or Libertarians?
This is probably a stupid statement but if everyone, especially elected officials were trustworthy honest citizens people could trust we wouldn’t even be concerned with fraud. But things......

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And Republicans are not capable of fraud...or Libertarians?
Anyone is capable. Democrats, however, seem prone to it.
They own the blue city riots. They own the Clintonista's. They are the party of Pelosi, Schumer, etc.
You are quite the apologist for them, Brute, for being such a "conservative"...
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