To be clear it isn’t a feel good pity vote for the loser. The winner in each of our three congressional districts gets one vote and the winner of the statewide popular vote gets the remaining two votes.

I might be biased, but I actually think it’s better than the all or nothing system that most states use.

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To your point...I think the electoral college is's time to move to a popular vote. Most votes win...regardless of size of state.

For me, I'm glad the Senate is going to remain a Republican majority...I'd like to see movement towards less partisan politics and actually get some needed things done with agreement from both sides of the aisle...
To your point...I think the electoral college is's time to move to a popular vote. Most votes win...regardless of size of state.

For me, I'm glad the Senate is going to remain a Republican majority...I'd like to see movement towards less partisan politics and actually get some needed things done with agreement from both sides of the aisle...

Nope, I strongly disagree with this. The electoral college was set up to work this way for a reason. I do not want NY and CA deciding our election. I feel that this was suppress voting turnout.

Edit: There's been chatter regarding moderate Dems not happy they lost Congressional seats and didn't pick up any Republican held seats. Still, Pelosi is gonna be almost impossible to take down from the speaker position. Not with Biden's blood soon to be in the water.

Until the moderates take back from the radicals, nothing will change.
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Nope, I strongly disagree with this. The electoral college was set up to work this way for a reason. I do not want NY and CA deciding our election. I feel that this was suppress voting turnout.

[emoji848]I may be wrong and we’ll never know until it happens but I would think that voter turnout would increase, knowing that their vote would actually count... at least in a perfect world. With the electoral college, individual votes are getting suppressed.

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Can I understand how Biden could win via electoral college? Yes.

Can I understand that people do not like Trump? Yes.

Can I understand that 70 million people voted for Biden? No. This makes no sense to me at all. I'd hate to think there is indeed fraud, but if these numbers are accurate, our country is way more fucked than I thought.

Clearly, Trump has been treated much differently, than prior Presidents. Not only by the media, but opposition from both major parties. It is unprecedented.
My question is, do you believe, Republican's generally, stoop to the level of some in the democrat party?
Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Reid from Nevada, both Clintons, Biden himself, (evidence from Hunter's laptop),
I could go on and on.
Your the lawyer... Give me examples.

Grab a drink or two. Here is a pretty thorough recitation of corruptions and scandals (by both sides) for the last several hundred years.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE
Can I understand how Biden could win via electoral college? Yes.

Can I understand that people do not like Trump? Yes.

Can I understand that 70 million people voted for Biden? No. This makes no sense to me at all. I'd hate to think there is indeed fraud, but if these numbers are accurate, our country is way more fucked than I thought.

View attachment 355396

Our country is way more fucked than you thought. We are well on our way to becoming Europe.

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View attachment 355395
This is the actual number of WI registered voters as of 11/1. So, yeah, the tweet was false, but still, the math with the real numbers shows an 88% turnout. I call bullshit on that OR Wisconsin residents are the most American fuckers I've ever seen.

Build Thread - Adventures of Fiona -

In WI we don’t know what happened we went to sleep ahead and woke up behind. And we’re at the bar right now trying to figure it out.

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To your point...I think the electoral college is's time to move to a popular vote. Most votes win...regardless of size of state.

For me, I'm glad the Senate is going to remain a Republican majority...I'd like to see movement towards less partisan politics and actually get some needed things done with agreement from both sides of the aisle...

Nope, I strongly disagree with this. The electoral college was set up to work this way for a reason. I do not want NY and CA deciding our election. I feel that this was suppress voting turnout.

Edit: There's been chatter regarding moderate Dems not happy they lost Congressional seats and didn't pick up any Republican held seats. Still, Pelosi is gonna be almost impossible to take down from the speaker position. Not with Biden's blood soon to be in the water.

Until the moderates take back from the radicals, nothing will change.

I'm with Ddays on this one. The electoral college was established so the large states of the colonial times could not dictate policy to the small states.

What has changed to make this less of a concern now, and "archaic" as you say Brute?

Without it, the entire center of the nation will feel left out and ruled by the large states on either coast.
I'm with Ddays on this one. The electoral college was established so the large states of the colonial times could not dictate policy to the small states.

What has changed to make this less of a concern now, and "archaic" as you say Brute?

Without it, the entire center of the nation will feel left out and ruled by the large states on either coast.

I understand the point. The few don’t want to be ruled by the many, so extra weight is given to the voice of the few.

Sounds great in concept, but I can come up with plenty of scenarios where that concept sucks balls. It all depends on whether you are one of the few, or one of the many.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE
Can I understand how Biden could win via electoral college? Yes.

Can I understand that people do not like Trump? Yes.

Can I understand that 70 million people voted for Biden? No. This makes no sense to me at all. I'd hate to think there is indeed fraud, but if these numbers are accurate, our country is way more fucked than I thought.

View attachment 355396

I don't think 70 million vote FOR Biden. I think this is the inverse of the last election. How many people voted AGAINST Hillary? I think the exact same thing happened this year, especially among women voters, a lot of people voted AGAINST Trump. :dont_tell:
Grab a drink or two. Here is a pretty thorough recitation of corruptions and scandals (by both sides) for the last several hundred years.

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Bravo, counselor. You made me laugh with your list of scoundrels. But, Wikipedia? The anyone can edit, source? The listing for Michael Flynn is incomplete. They didn't include the part about a Obama appointed judge who decided to insert himself into the battle. I vividly remember the Watergate hearings. All that was on TV, when I was hurt and couldnt do anything at 9 years old. Watergate looks like childs play next to Obamagate. I am EXTREMELY familiar with the peripheral parts of Iran-Contra. Still, a good laugh. Would take some time and research to determine the worst offenders.
Do lawyers often utilize Wikipedia?
I should have gotten a law degree, instead of risky flying and truck driving...
Nope, I strongly disagree with this. The electoral college was set up to work this way for a reason. I do not want NY and CA deciding our election. I feel that this was suppress voting turnout.

Edit: There's been chatter regarding moderate Dems not happy they lost Congressional seats and didn't pick up any Republican held seats. Still, Pelosi is gonna be almost impossible to take down from the speaker position. Not with Biden's blood soon to be in the water.

Until the moderates take back from the radicals, nothing will change.

Agree strongly on your point about the Electoral College. This is a Constitutional Representative Republic, NOT a democracy. Popular vote is mob rule.
I really dont want some folks from big cities, like say, Seattle, determining whats good for rural flyover country.

Surely, your not suggesting Newt is as awful as Nancy Pelosi?
I honestly can’t believe people are talking about voter fraud again.

In November 2016, president elect Trump said “I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally’.

He lost the popular vote by 2.8M. There has been four years to prove out widespread voter fraud. Oddly, the fraud has not been evidenced to date.

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Are you familiar with, "Judicial Watch"?
Plenty of lawsuits all over blue country to force cleanup of voter rolls.
Why do democrats always resist voter I.D., laws?
I don't think 70 million vote FOR Biden. I think this is the inverse of the last election. How many people voted AGAINST Hillary? I think the exact same thing happened this year, especially among women voters, a lot of people voted AGAINST Trump. :dont_tell:

Other than most voters being uninformed morons, no candidates stand for anything, all they do is talk about the opponent, not a fucking thing they stand for. At least President Trump had a record of promises made/ promises kept, like him as a person or not

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Other than most voters being uninformed morons, no candidates stand for anything, all they do is talk about the opponent, not a fucking thing they stand for. At least President Trump had a record of promises made/ promises kept, like him as a person or not

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Amen to that. He made promises, and followed through.
I absolutely baffled at the stupidity of folks that would vote for a man with obvious dementia, for President. The guy was confused whether his wife or sister was on stage with him!
I'd be curious to see if you broke each state up by district and awarded electoral votes by the popular vote in each to see how the outcome would be. I doubt CA would be awarding all 55 votes to Biden. I'm sure it'll be posted somewhere online in the coming days.

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