I'm with Ddays on this one. The electoral college was established so the large states of the colonial times could not dictate policy to the small states.

What has changed to make this less of a concern now, and "archaic" as you say Brute?

Without it, the entire center of the nation will feel left out and ruled by the large states on either coast.

Small states are already handily over represented in the Senate. I don’t see a need to more over representation in the Electoral College.

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Other than most voters being uninformed morons, no candidates stand for anything, all they do is talk about the opponent, not a fucking thing they stand for. At least President Trump had a record of promises made/ promises kept, like him as a person or not

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I do agree. I think that Trumps personality was just too much for a lot of people this time around. Look at how many republicans hate Hillary. Flip that around and I think that's what happened this time around. Look at the other races. The Dems got their asses handed to them after thinking they were going to take over the Senate.
As things stand now the Dems retain the House, Senate stays Red, and the SCOTUS is 6-3 republican appointees.

So we're looking at at least 2 years of gridlock if Biden pulls through. The only way he'll be able to jam shit through is by issuing executive orders.
Small states are already handily over represented in the Senate. I don’t see a need to more over representation in the Electoral College.

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This is what keeps us from being a one party dictatorship ruled by the big city liberals on everything.

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Bravo, counselor. You made me laugh with your list of scoundrels. But, Wikipedia? The anyone can edit, source? The listing for Michael Flynn is incomplete. They didn't include the part about a Obama appointed judge who decided to insert himself into the battle. I vividly remember the Watergate hearings. All that was on TV, when I was hurt and couldnt do anything at 9 years old. Watergate looks like childs play next to Obamagate. I am EXTREMELY familiar with the peripheral parts of Iran-Contra. Still, a good laugh. Would take some time and research to determine the worst offenders.
Do lawyers often utilize Wikipedia?
I should have gotten a law degree, instead of risky flying and truck driving...

Lol. You are a funny one. It was an easy source to provide a list of the litany of bad acts that have occurred in the last century. Would you like me to go back through and pull out all of the Republican specific ones for you, and then pull the plea deals where guilt was admitted or find the resignation letters where people stepped down before prosecution? Wikipedia sometimes does a great job of consolidating information and sources in one place. In this wiki page, there are almost 870 citations to sources. But I guess they are all bullshit because they don’t comport with what you apparently know as fact.

Next time I’ll link to QAnon. Something tells me that is a lot more your speed. You only find truth in that which you already believe. That is, by definition, ignorant.

Keep driving your truck and doing your risky flying. I have a feeling you wouldn’t like the practice of law very much much because it involves far too much logic, reason, and evidence.

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I do agree. I think that Trumps personality was just too much for a lot of people this time around. Look at how many republicans hate Hillary. Flip that around and I think that's what happened this time around. Look at the other races. The Dems got their asses handed to them after thinking they were going to take over the Senate.
As things stand now the Dems retain the House, Senate stays Red, and the SCOTUS is 6-3 republican appointees.

So we're looking at at least 2 years of gridlock if Biden pulls through. The only way he'll be able to jam shit through is by issuing executive orders.

Or all those fuktards could work together for all of us! Too bad their bosses are to stupid to fire them

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Lol. You are a funny one. It was an easy source to provide a list of the litany of bad acts that have occurred in the last century. Would you like me to go back through and pull out all of the Republican specific ones for you, and then pull the plea deals where guilt was admitted or find the resignation letters where people stepped down before prosecution? Wikipedia sometimes does a great job of consolidating information and sources in one place. In this wiki page, there are almost 870 citations to sources. But I guess they are all bullshit because they don’t comport with what you apparently know as fact.

Next time I’ll link to QAnon. Something tells me that is a lot more your speed. You only find truth in that which you already believe. That is, by definition, ignorant.

Keep driving your truck and doing your risky flying. I have a feeling you wouldn’t like the practice of law very much much because it involves far too much logic, reason, and evidence.

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Whoa...step away from the bottle....
Bothered by lawyer jokes, much?
I was kidding.
Still, I never let the kids use Wikipedia for school research. Truly.... anyone can edit.
Whoa...step away from the bottle....
Bothered by lawyer jokes, much?
I was kidding.
Still, I never let the kids use Wikipedia for school research. Truly.... anyone can edit.

Actually, I love lawyer jokes, but I despise ignorance. Yes, anyone can edit Wiki...the citations are what matters. There are plenty of legitimate citations to instances in the last 25 years where Republicans have been found guilty of very serious crimes (like bribery, fraud, tax evasion, voter intimidation, etc.). That is truth...whether it is “printed” on the Wiki page or not.

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You guys are Serious?

Yes. Trump’s buddy Kris Kobach had years to investigate voter fraud and came up empty handed. It’s pretty evident that “voter fraud” is at best an excuse for losing and at worst a means to disenfranchise.

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Instead we’re ruled by small town and rural “conservatives.” I would prefer something more balanced.

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When someone has to be in charge your not gonna be balanced. Good thing you live in SOCal. Just too bad that Cali can’t be it’s own country and fuck themselves only.

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Instead we’re ruled by small town and rural “conservatives.” I would prefer something more balanced.

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Ironically, we rural conservatives feel like we're ruled by big city liberals. :thinking:
I can’t wait to pay 64% tax rate.

Do I believe Biden received that many votes? The media is a powerful thing. They helped him get elected.

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Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

As for the taxes, you need to get a better accountant.

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I did this year, worth the money! I was considering buying and almost did buy a house in California. I think I’m going to rent and look for a place in Nevada.

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