There is great irony in that this meme and your various signature lines will always reside together.

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1. the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect: "ā€œDon't go overboard with the gratitude,ā€ he rejoined with heavy irony" synonyms sarcasm, sardonicism, dryness, causticity, sharpness, ... moreantonyms sincerity

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That's ok. Everything I've ever said, thought, done, etc, will "reside", with me forever. Here's the thing, the same applys to everyone who will read this forum. Actually, everyone who has ever lived. The good news for me is, I've found the eternal cure. The "meme", was posted as dark humor in response to a couple on this forum who really jumped the tracks concerning the actor/producer, Mel Gibson. That's him in the photo... (lack of discernment, alert...). My signature lines are not my words. Just profound truths I try to pass on. Here are some other great truths, in the form of, "memes".
Now, I'm sure some are wondering why this would be in a "Voted", thread. It's very obvious to me, this election is not only a battle between political parties, but a battle between good and evil.
Would you like to find this eternal, cure, I speak of?
Oh, yeah. I chose quotes from, Jonathan Edwards because he was a famous Preacher in Colonial days, before Patriots fought for freedom against tyranny. You know, the late 1700's.
The tyranny we face today is appearing to be just as deadly.
...It's very obvious to me, this election is not only a battle between political parties, but a battle between good and evil....

The fact that you think Trump is the embodiment of ā€œgoodā€, or is even fit to represent ā€œgoodā€, is ironic in and of itself.

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The fact that you think Trump is the embodiment of ā€œgoodā€, or is even fit to represent ā€œgoodā€, is ironic in and of itself.

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He is better than the alternative in my opinion for the Country and the economy and how I like to live my life.

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Thereā€™s clearly some people here struggling with the concept of democracy.

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Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. -Ben Franklin

With that being said, this entire election has been an absolute shit show. I would love to hear a perspective from someone such as yourself who doesn't live here but watches from the outside.
He is better than the alternative in my opinion for the Country and the economy and how I like to live my life.

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Thatā€™s a statement about policy and I have zero issues with anyone choosing conservative policies over progressive policies.

But, people are honestly blind if they think Trump is a good human being.

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The fact that you think Trump is the embodiment of Ā“goodĀ”, or is even fit to represent Ā“goodĀ”, is ironic in and of itself.

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Sharkey, I never once said Trump was the "embodiment of good". In fact, I will freely admit, he is FAR from perfect. And, I've stated before, he was not my choice in the Republican primaries, in 2016. Looking back, and knowing what I know now, I realize he was the only candidate who could beat, Hillary Clinton. I've even repeatedly stated I dislike many in the Republican Party. The republican party does not even "represent", good, much of the time.

I believe GOD sometimes uses the most unlikely characters, to accomplish his goals, in human government. This has been recorded many times, in the Bible. I also believe that the United States has been tested through elections, and if this one goes to the darkness, that Biden/Harris, represent, the nation will be severely judged.

The only person, who walked the earth, and truly IS, the "embodiment of good", is Jesus Christ.

One other thing I would say in this post, I'm also not a "good", person. I'm just a sinner, saved by GODS wonderful grace. And Jesus Christ, is the eternal, "cure", I speak of. This thread seems to have been mostly, " gotcha", moments, back and forth, between a few members, and myself. I've posted comments that certainly could have been worded, better. In truth, I believe if we were able to sit down together, and speak away from a web forum, we would find the debate friendly.

I TRULY LOVE THIS NATION! I also truly fear for where it is headed.
Thatā€™s a statement about policy and I have zero issues with anyone choosing conservative policies over progressive policies.

But, people are honestly blind if they think Trump is a good human being.

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I think people voted against Biden, not for Trump, maybe his policies and some of his record but not for him as a man. I just wish someday we could have a good candidate we can all vote for, not just vote against someone. Why canā€™t we lose the party system and make candidates talk about what they will do and be honest about it, lose the R and D behind their names? Oh ya, there is too much money involved for anyone there to be honest about anything. Iā€™m really torn about just saying fuck it and becoming unplugged from it all

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I think people voted against Biden, not for Trump, maybe his policies and some of his record but not for him as a man. I just wish someday we could have a good candidate we can all vote for, not just vote against someone. Why canā€™t we lose the party system and make candidates talk about what they will do and be honest about it, lose the R and D behind their names? Oh ya, there is too much money involved for anyone there to be honest about anything. Iā€™m really torn about just saying fuck it and becoming unplugged from it all

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Probably the best remedy as this shit will never change. Every single thing in this world can be traced back to money somehow.

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Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. -Ben Franklin

With that being said, this entire election has been an absolute shit show. I would love to hear a perspective from someone such as yourself who doesn't live here but watches from the outside.

Democracy relies on trust and respect to function. Trust in the system as well as the outcome and respect that everyone has a valid opinion wether you agree with it or not. However I do agree with you that equality isnā€™t guaranteed and requires collaboration to achieve.

This election has been a complete shit show and has felt like we were watching trashy reality tv. American politics have always been reported on here but not to the level it has for the past 12 months.

Iā€™ve voted by mail in 2 elections during this pandemic and neither has been an issue with no mention of voter fraud. Not suggesting anything but an interesting cultural comparison nonetheless.

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Sharkey, I never once said Trump was the "embodiment of good". In fact, I will freely admit, he is FAR from perfect. And, I've stated before, he was not my choice in the Republican primaries, in 2016. Looking back, and knowing what I know now, I realize he was the only candidate who could beat, Hillary Clinton. I've even repeatedly stated I dislike many in the Republican Party. The republican party does not even "represent", good, much of the time.

I believe GOD sometimes uses the most unlikely characters, to accomplish his goals, in human government. This has been recorded many times, in the Bible. I also believe that the United States has been tested through elections, and if this one goes to the darkness, that Biden/Harris, represent, the nation will be severely judged.

The only person, who walked the earth, and truly IS, the "embodiment of good", is Jesus Christ.

One other thing I would say in this post, I'm also not a "good", person. I'm just a sinner, saved by GODS wonderful grace. And Jesus Christ, is the eternal, "cure", I speak of. This thread seems to have been mostly, " gotcha", moments, back and forth, between a few members, and myself. I've posted comments that certainly could have been worded, better. In truth, I believe if we were able to sit down together, and speak away from a web forum, we would find the debate friendly.

I TRULY LOVE THIS NATION! I also truly fear for where it is headed.

Couldnā€™t agree more! Well said!!

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Sharkey, I never once said Trump was the "embodiment of good". In fact, I will freely admit, he is FAR from perfect. And, I've stated before, he was not my choice in the Republican primaries, in 2016. Looking back, and knowing what I know now, I realize he was the only candidate who could beat, Hillary Clinton. I've even repeatedly stated I dislike many in the Republican Party. The republican party does not even "represent", good, much of the time.

I believe GOD sometimes uses the most unlikely characters, to accomplish his goals, in human government. This has been recorded many times, in the Bible. I also believe that the United States has been tested through elections, and if this one goes to the darkness, that Biden/Harris, represent, the nation will be severely judged.

The only person, who walked the earth, and truly IS, the "embodiment of good", is Jesus Christ.

One other thing I would say in this post, I'm also not a "good", person. I'm just a sinner, saved by GODS wonderful grace. And Jesus Christ, is the eternal, "cure", I speak of. This thread seems to have been mostly, " gotcha", moments, back and forth, between a few members, and myself. I've posted comments that certainly could have been worded, better. In truth, I believe if we were able to sit down together, and speak away from a web forum, we would find the debate friendly.

I TRULY LOVE THIS NATION! I also truly fear for where it is headed.

Very well put! [emoji106]
We went from 4 years of being told that Russia rigged the election, to being told elections canā€™t be rigged really quick.

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We went from 4 years of being told that Russia rigged the election, to being told elections canā€™t be rigged really quick.

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If that was true that the last election was rigged, then the Dems did it better this time.

Ironically that would explain why Trump is so adamant that this one was rigged is because they beat him at his own game.
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