Day 2 and another lovely day to be out in our Jeep!
Heading up into the Mountains again.
A shot looking back into the valley.
I'm sure more than a few of you know this place as it's become a super popular destination and overwhelmed with overlanders.
Taking a hike around the lake.
Back in the valley and along the shores of Mono Lake with stormy skies overhead.
Working our way back up into the mountains and to a place that used to be one of our favorites.
Yet again, I need to remind you that this photo was taking on a 4th of July weekend. Sadly, it's always packed with overlanders and thanks to all the social media whores who've broadcasted this location complete with GPS coordinates.
Heading up to higher ground and to a point where there's normally an awesome view or at least, when you're not socked in a cloud.
Unfortunately, you can no longer drive up to this point.
Heading back into the valley.
Always love the history and mining equipment that you can see in this area.
Final shots as we head into the valley and the summer rain.
I know there weren't a whole lot of pics of our TJ in this one but then, most of why we got it in the first place was to see the sights and not to highlight it. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the pics. There's a lot more to come