Here are a few pics from a spur of the moment wildflower trip I did with my son Andrew out to Anza Borrego back in 2001. Being that it was a nice wet winter and one that was still going strong, I figured the bloom should be good. And, it was but what I wasn't expecting was the snow we'd have to wheel through on our way out. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the pics.
Here's a shot on our way out to Anza Borrego. As you can see, the hills were super green and yellow flowers popping up everywhere. You could also see the snow coming down up in the mountains.
As we got closer to our destination, the snow was really starting to collect.
Here's a shot of the route we would be taking into the valley.
And the snow just kept coming down.
And before we knew it, we were cutting first tracks through the snow.
Fortunately, the snow started to thin out as we got closer to the valley.
View of the valley.
And finally, here's what we came out to see.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed seeing these pics from the past and hope you'll check back again for more