Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1470585771.206473.jpg Being recovered by an FJ the guys have posted it on Instagram and it's getting hits from all over the Middle East. I only tried the crossing over the tidal area because the FJ and Nissan crew would not try it.
Texting and Driving. In my state it against the law. Yet that didn't stop some dumb ass teenage girl from doing so and then rear ending my JKU with my kids in the back. Thankfully everyone was ok and my spare took all the damage. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1471274209.118904.jpg
People that don't know how to use an acceleration lane when getting on the highway. They go very slow or come to a complete stop and wait for a big enough gap to go from 0-60 instead of maintaining speed and merging.
Stupid phone-zombies. I ride my bike along the beach bike path a lot. Why the fuck do people come to the beach and walk along the bike path with their face in their phone? Just stay home, stay in the car, sit in the sand, whatever! Get the fuck out of the way!
Stupid phone-zombies. I ride my bike along the beach bike path a lot. Why the fuck do people come to the beach and walk along the bike path with their face in their phone? Just stay home, stay in the car, sit in the sand, whatever! Get the fuck out of the way!

This. It should be legally allowed for me to slap your fucking phone to the ground in said situation.
This. It should be legally allowed for me to slap your fucking phone to the ground in said situation.

I have thought about this soooooooo many times. I was leaving Wally World the other day in the jeep. Dude stumbles out the front, face in phone and stops right in the lane. Full stop, not a care in the world. I drove by him, my mirror about 6 inches from his phone. He never even noticed. As I was driving away I watched him in my mirror. He eventually stumbled across, only to stop right in the lane on the other side. He stood their the whole time I was waiting for a signal to change. Oblivious. Right in a traffic lane in front of the store. Come on Darwin, do your best!!!!!
I'm all for "wheeling what you've got" but please make sure you have proper tow points!!! Especially when "what you've got" are the only vehicles that need to be recovered!
People that continue to drive with their blinker on! People that don't use their blinker! Rudeness. People oblivious to their surroundings.
What really chaps my ass is when passengers in the car feel it's ok to have long phone conversations when I'm driving...god damn that makes me mad
The light turns green and the car in front of you just sits there … and sits there … and sits there … then you notice they are looking at their phone. :mad: Nowadays I am VERY quick on the horn (a very long horn) when cars don’t move when the light turns green. PUT DOWN YOUR PHONE AND DRIVE!
People that don't know how to use an acceleration lane when getting on the highway. They go very slow or come to a complete stop and wait for a big enough gap to go from 0-60 instead of maintaining speed and merging.

This!! Holy fuck it pisses me off when people stop at the end of a ramp! :cussing:
People that don't know how to use an acceleration lane when getting on the highway. They go very slow or come to a complete stop and wait for a big enough gap to go from 0-60 instead of maintaining speed and merging.

This!! Holy fuck it pisses me off when people stop at the end of a ramp! :cussing:
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