Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

When all my neighbors rubberneck inside my garage while the door is open. I also always get dirty looks when I work on my Jeep by my garage.
I need to buy a house finally, I am getting tired of this :(

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When you put away the ice scraper for the year because it's been in the high 80s and now you don't remember where you put it.

When you put away the ice scraper for the year because it's been in the high 80s and now you don't remember where you put it.

If you it makes you feel any better, even an ounce better...........

............................... I drove my Jeep topless and doorless to work today. :rock:
When people are super quick to give advice, but refuse to even think about taking it.

This right here. It is one thing to ask advice from different people and go with the option that seems best to you. You did ask for it. To get unsolicited advice from somebody who never does what he/she says is downright maddening. They make for a great throat punch moment.
The thing that pisses me off more than anything is when someone asks a question and then doesn't listen to the answer so I have to repeat myself.
When customers come in, work you for a few hours on a car, agree to numbers, and then tell you that they aren't prepared to buy today after all the work you put into that deal. Why can't people be upfront with their sales people. Tell them if you aren't going to buy today, a good sales person will still help you out the best they can!
Im sure ur a cool dude and all but damn it my pet peeve is car sales men... i had a deal set with a salesman and even drove the truck home that night with the agreement that they pay the $3,545 balance left on my old truck... the next day the bank calls and ask me to pay the remaining $45 balance on my loan... long story short saleman refused to pay the $45 and i returned the truck the next day with a whole lot less rubber on the tires and a promise that i would never step foot in that place again and i would advise everybody i know to avoid heberts town & country shreveport la
I have yeah, enough said. Kinda sucks.
I mean it's not with everything so not terrible. But it seems to get worse the older I get.... So I'm not sure if it's just my OCD or just getting impatient of stupidity​ and laziness as I get older. 🤣

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When people call back right away INSTEAD of listening to the voice mail you just left them. You spend all this time leaving someone a voice mail and they don't listen to it and waste twice as much of your time when they call back to find out why you called.
The goddam wheels on shop vacs! Who in the Hell designed these pieces of shit?!? Get stuck on everything
The same guy who designed the wheels on a floor Jack.
When people call back right away INSTEAD of listening to the voice mail you just left them. You spend all this time leaving someone a voice mail and they don't listen to it and waste twice as much of your time when they call back to find out why you called.
If I leave a message anymore its usually. "Call me back"

What's worse is when you call and they don't answer but send a text 30 seconds after you hang up. I understand if you can't answer but just not to answer to send a text...come on.

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The thing that pisses me off more than anything is when someone asks a question and then doesn't listen to the answer so I have to repeat myself.

Same here. Get a question and in the middle of my answer they still bitchin about the issue when I can shed some light on it for them.

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