Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

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This drunk guy at 3:30 in the afternoon that hit the front of my 2017 van and could have hurt my employee.
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The car still had temp tags! I'm just glad the dumbfuck hit my van and not a little kid out playing innocently

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Damn, sorry that happened to you Mark. Like you said, better the van then some innocent kid. Still sucks though, hopefully it all goes good for you.

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Damn, sorry that happened to you Mark. Like you said, better the van then some innocent kid. Still sucks though, hopefully it all goes good for you.

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Thank god he didn't kill someone! I work in healthcare and get to see firsthand the aftermath of horrific events because of DUI. That could've been one of yours or one of my family members. I've zero tolerance for DUI, punishment should be swift & harsh in my opinion.

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Not sure if this rant has been covered already. I bumped in to a friend who has been in a wheel chair for the better part of the last 30 yrs due to a motorcycle accident. I saw him today in his wheel chair heading to just about the furthest parking space from the store. He says he does this to ensure that he can get a spot where he can make sure no fool parks so close to his driver door as to prevent him from getting in the car. He won't use the handicap stalls because he has had too many instances where others park so close he can't get in to his car. Un-fucking-believable!!

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Not sure if this rant has been covered already. I bumped in to a friend who has been in a wheel chair for the better part of the last 30 yrs due to a motorcycle accident. I saw him today in his wheel chair heading to just about the furthest parking space from the store. He says he does this to ensure that he can get a spot where he can make sure no fool parks so close to his driver door as to prevent him from getting in the car. He won't use the handicap stalls because he has had too many instances where others park so close he can't get in to his car. Un-fucking-believable!!

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People that do that in a handicap spot should have their vehicle towed and crushed then sent a bill for it, and just to add some salt to the wound their insurance should be notified, refuse to pay a claim if they submit one and have their rates doubled.

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Things that piss me off? That I'm not mechanically inclined in any way. It always takes me twice as long and multiple fuck ups to complete tasks on my Jeep as people say it should.
Just keep trying and you will get better

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oh i know. and honestly, i know a shit ton now more than i did a few years ago thanks to sites like this and a good friend of mine. but, it still pisses me off.

i think what pisses me off most is that i'm still young but i have some problem with my hands. i get serious pain if i have to try and turn a bolt by hand too long. like i can't get it too line up and i keep trying to thread it. i get major pain in the middle of my hand. i feel like i'm too young to deal with that shit.
oh i know. and honestly, i know a shit ton now more than i did a few years ago thanks to sites like this and a good friend of mine. but, it still pisses me off.

i think what pisses me off most is that i'm still young but i have some problem with my hands. i get serious pain if i have to try and turn a bolt by hand too long. like i can't get it too line up and i keep trying to thread it. i get major pain in the middle of my hand. i feel like i'm too young to deal with that shit.

Seriously Dude? How "young" can that really be?! Really?
i think what pisses me off most is that i'm still young but i have some problem with my hands. i get serious pain if i have to try and turn a bolt by hand too long. like i can't get it too line up and i keep trying to thread it. i get major pain in the middle of my hand. i feel like i'm too young to deal with that shit.

I hear ya! Of course the pain in my hand is probably from the 5 broken bones, surgery and pins lol
Eventually though, that bolt threads. In. That. Hole! Damned if it isn't frustrating though, and I'm 31! Practically a kid compared to some of the guys on here still working on their own rigs haha [emoji23]
Seriously Dude? How "young" can that really be?! Really?

34 at the end of this month. way too young i know, but, really i've been fighting this pain for at least 5 years. really wish i knew what it was. i don't get inflammation like arthritis, but something isn't quite right.
Not sure if this rant has been covered already. I bumped in to a friend who has been in a wheel chair for the better part of the last 30 yrs due to a motorcycle accident. I saw him today in his wheel chair heading to just about the furthest parking space from the store. He says he does this to ensure that he can get a spot where he can make sure no fool parks so close to his driver door as to prevent him from getting in the car. He won't use the handicap stalls because he has had too many instances where others park so close he can't get in to his car. Un-fucking-believable!!

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9 our of 10 times, handicap people don’t know how to park. But I see what you’re saying.

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I agree Overlander. Add to that the many twats who have a disability parking pass for a relative and park in the spot when their relative is not with them.
My friends worst/best story is driving up and seeing a guy on a motorcycle park in the handicap stall. He challenged the guy on it and was told "I can fuckin park where I want" and walked away.

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It’s a little aggravating when I park in a handicap spot, when I’m having a bad pain day, and I get hassled by some dude with a chip on his shoulder because he can’t “see” my disability (I have handicap plates on my Jeep).

"Sua Sponte"
It’s a little aggravating when I park in a handicap spot, when I’m having a bad pain day, and I get hassled by some dude with a chip on his shoulder because he can’t “see” my disability (I have handicap plates on my Jeep).

"Sua Sponte"
You should be glad someone is speaking up at least. I hate assholes that use those spots without plates/plaques without concern for those that actually need them, like yourself.

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You should be glad someone is speaking up at least. I hate assholes that use those spots without plates/plaques without concern for those that actually need them, like yourself.

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There is a difference between speaking up and simply asking if the plates belong to me. When the latter occurs, it generally ends up being a good discussion about spinal cord injuries and occasionally a good war story.

"Sua Sponte"
Not sure if this rant has been covered already. I bumped in to a friend who has been in a wheel chair for the better part of the last 30 yrs due to a motorcycle accident. I saw him today in his wheel chair heading to just about the furthest parking space from the store. He says he does this to ensure that he can get a spot where he can make sure no fool parks so close to his driver door as to prevent him from getting in the car. He won't use the handicap stalls because he has had too many instances where others park so close he can't get in to his car. Un-fucking-believable!!

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I agree Overlander. Add to that the many twats who have a disability parking pass for a relative and park in the spot when their relative is not with them.
My friends worst/best story is driving up and seeing a guy on a motorcycle park in the handicap stall. He challenged the guy on it and was told "I can fuckin park where I want" and walked away.

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My Dad suffered a stroke 7 years ago and is confined to a wheel chair. I'm responsible for taking him to Dr's appoints and things. I do have a windshield placard so I can legally park in a handicapped space when I have him with me. However, I tend to park well away from the handicapped stalls so I can transfer him from the car to his chair unless its a real small parking lot, space is limited, and there is a wheel chair access lane between stalls. I'm typically pushing him and I don't mind the walk. Half the time he is trying to push himself and will get pissed if I try to help...haha

It’s a little aggravating when I park in a handicap spot, when I’m having a bad pain day, and I get hassled by some dude with a chip on his shoulder because he can’t “see” my disability (I have handicap plates on my Jeep).

At the same Costco I took the previous picture there was a huge lifted F-350 plastered with a local BBQ catering business wrap parked right up front in a handicapped stall. He had a placard and happened to be getting to his truck as I walked up. He did not appear to be physically disabled and I should have questioned him as I know it'd be hard for me to get into and out of the vehicle.

Then on the opposite end of the spectrum you have these assholes: Daily Press: Casa Delicias Faces Legal Battle, ADA Lawsuit Could Force Closure of Restaurant After 35 Years

This happened last year and appears to be collusion between this Law Firm and the individual filing the suit as he has several others around my area. That restaurant has been there forever and is a local favorite. The community rallied around them to help get their parking lot into "compliance". I never did find out what happened to his law suit.
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