Pee Pee Lucas: Worst Troll EVER

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Dude what part of lay low and only use the forum for help and jeep tech dont you get why do you keep kicking the bucket of crap???
I notice a similar thread by JK_b/c_yolo earlier about the moderators change of tittle. They are no longer moderator, but something much better, now we have 10Frank9 (‘web’ guy with no balls), OverlanderJK (‘resident’ at mommas’s house), PiginaJeep (‘the original’ joke), and my best one Sharkey (one ‘word’ no jeep), etc...

I was quoted by Wardell (days old thread) as one, along with David1ton as the reason of their change of tittle, but I personally think their new title fits them well “hit the nail on the head”. Here I snapped a screenshot this morning. What ya think? :thumb:

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We still think you are a bi-polar pussy
I love dick.

Thanks for sharing. While I do appreciate you thinking that much of us that you went off and made each of those, that was pretty lame.

Apparently now your sensitive feelings are hurt and this is your lame way of throwing a fit?

does anyone know where the closest shed is?

motion to change his tag from hooked to resident pussy all in favor!!
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