Pair of SD One ton axles D60 and Sterling

I likely do not get it, the classifieds forum is the forum to sell your shit. I have nothing to do on your forum wars, I thought this was a good JK forum. I had been reading the forum before registering in June. I posted my Jeep a couple days ago and everyone's panties got in a bunch.

Why is everybody so butthurt? I tried introducing myself on the wave forum and the thread is locked. Yes I had posted my Jeep for sale, and there are other for sale ads here (duh classifieds). Why the pissing match? I have been cordial to everyone (even the ones pulling dick moves)., so what is the big deal?
I likely do not get it, the classifieds forum is the forum to sell your shit. I have nothing to do on your forum wars, I thought this was a good JK forum. I had been reading the forum before registering in June. I posted my Jeep a couple days ago and everyone's panties got in a bunch.

Why is everybody so butthurt? I tried introducing myself on the wave forum and the thread is locked. Yes I had posted my Jeep for sale, and there are other for sale ads here (duh classifieds). Why the pissing match? I have been cordial to everyone (even the ones pulling dick moves)., so what is the big deal?

I think the big issue was when you ignored thardy's post but replied to another shortly after it. Just a guess.
I likely do not get it, the classifieds forum is the forum to sell your shit. I have nothing to do on your forum wars, I thought this was a good JK forum. I had been reading the forum before registering in June. I posted my Jeep a couple days ago and everyone's panties got in a bunch.

Why is everybody so butthurt? I tried introducing myself on the wave forum and the thread is locked. Yes I had posted my Jeep for sale, and there are other for sale ads here (duh classifieds). Why the pissing match? I have been cordial to everyone (even the ones pulling dick moves)., so what is the big deal?

Your ONLY purpose for being here is to sell your shit. You just said that. Read the rules you agreed to when you signed up.
I likely do not get it, the classifieds forum is the forum to sell your shit. I have nothing to do on your forum wars, I thought this was a good JK forum. I had been reading the forum before registering in June. I posted my Jeep a couple days ago and everyone's panties got in a bunch.

Why is everybody so butthurt? I tried introducing myself on the wave forum and the thread is locked. Yes I had posted my Jeep for sale, and there are other for sale ads here (duh classifieds). Why the pissing match? I have been cordial to everyone (even the ones pulling dick moves)., so what is the big deal?

This too (these were the rules you agreed to):

No. If your only purpose for being a member of is to sell things, your privileges here will be revoked and your account suspended.

No. Please DO NOT post up links for things you have for sale on eBay, Craigslist or any other website here on

Here's the deal buddy. If you truly aren't just here to sell your stuff, and it's just a coincidence that you've sold so many items up front, and you hang in there through all this, it is a cool site and a cool crowd. It wasn't very long ago, that I joined and got jumped big time on my first post (my own fault for mis-reading the rules). The guys here have a good sense of humor but are black and white. As long as you can handle that, you'll fit in just fine.
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WJCO thanks man and appreciate the note. I have not sold anything here; I will refrain from posting my stuff going forward, not a big deal.

Take Thardys advice. He is trying to make things a little easier for you here. I'm not too sure about other forums, but on Wayalife, we generally get engaged, meet people, go on runs, help wrench, and FILL OUT OUR PROFILE, before we start selling things. Makes for a better jeepin' community in my opinion.

^^^^^It's not against the rules to sell your stuff, that just can't be your main reason for being here. Won't work out well.
WJCO thanks man and appreciate the note. I have not sold anything here; I will refrain from posting my stuff going forward, not a big deal.


You haven't sold anything, because your threads and posts raise a flag.

So it is not lost, there are rules, first and foremost. Second, there are good reasons why most of us don't and shouldn't buy from "new" members that aren't known by Wayalifers. To show this, let me provide you with a recent relevant link:

Maybe that means we are assholes, but we are looking out for ourselves and each other.
You haven't sold anything, because your threads and posts raise a flag.

So it is not lost, there are rules, first and foremost. Second, there are good reasons why most of us don't and shouldn't buy from "new" members that aren't known by Wayalifers. To show this, let me provide you with a recent relevant link:

Maybe that means we are assholes, but we are looking out for ourselves and each other.

Great example regarding items for sale. That was a messy one.
So apparently forum rules don't matter over on that crappy forum you're a moderator of. Why aren't you asking them for advice?
Thardy, I have not once asked your advice ;) And forum wars are not cool, and not my thing. It sounds like you guys had other forum wars before and I honestly am not and do not want to be part of it. IMHO forums are supposed to bring people together, not tear them apart by being an asshat behind a keyboard. There is good information to share.

You personally seem to get a hard on from bashing other people behind a keyboard and that is your prerogative, have fun while at it whatever floats your boat, really not worth my time.

Moderators, since this thread has already gone to shit, feel free to actually moderate and delete or move this thread since my post was already edited anyways.

/end thread
Thardy, I have not once asked your advice ;) And forum wars are not cool, and not my thing. It sounds like you guys had other forum wars before and I honestly am not and do not want to be part of it. IMHO forums are supposed to bring people together, not tear them apart by being an asshat behind a keyboard. There is good information to share.

You personally seem to get a hard on from bashing other people behind a keyboard and that is your prerogative, have fun while at it whatever floats your boat, really not worth my time.

Moderators, since this thread has already gone to shit, feel free to actually moderate and delete or move this thread since my post was already edited anyways.

/end thread

At what point did I bash, get a hard on, or act like an asshat? You didn't read the rules of this forum when you came here and showed ZERO effort to follow the rules once corrected, so please, tell me how that makes me some sort of internet tough guy.

You sir are a moderator of a forum that OPENLY bashes us, so please explain why we are supposed to welcome you with open arms. Especially when you don't follow the rules you agreed to right out of the gate?

And just so you know, things aren't deleted here.
There have been several people that have tried to relay the point to you regarding forum rules. That point appeared to have went right past you. As you stated above, forums do bring people together. This forum, however, ensures that people respect the rules. Simple concept. Respect the rules, take responsibility when you are warned/confronted about violating the rules, and move on. No one has been an asshat, straightforward, direct, but not an asshat.
My first post on the beginning of this thread, was deleted...ok, edited....

I tried an intro on the wave section...why was it locked? My Jeep for sale was also locked. The fact I am in other forums is irrelevant, people should treat people with respect, plain and simple, but I digress..

I do not believe I disobeyed any rules. yes, I posted my Jeep and my axles for sale, not sure what teh big deal was. I did not just sign up to post my Jeep for sale...

Anyways, moved on, not worth the effort to continue posting on this already 4 page thread...

Move on people :)
My first post on the beginning of this thread, was deleted...ok, edited....

I tried an intro on the wave section...why was it locked? My Jeep for sale was also locked. The fact I am in other forums is irrelevant, people should treat people with respect, plain and simple, but I digress..

I do not believe I disobeyed any rules. yes, I posted my Jeep and my axles for sale, not sure what teh big deal was. I did not just sign up to post my Jeep for sale...

Anyways, moved on, not worth the effort to continue posting on this already 4 page thread...

Move on people :)

considering how almost all your posts are in the for sale/wanted section of the forum im gonna say your only purpose for being here is to sell you stuff as well as buy.
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