Word Ninja
Shaft clip
Or a broken cock ring after a rough night in Moab.
Shaft clip
Or a broken cock ring after a rough night in Moab.
LOL!! Nice c-clip. Were there actually some left on your broken shaft?
Lol! Actually Steph broke a u joint with full circle clips. The replacement Alloy USA u joints come with 360 and 180-degree clips.
LOL!! That's right, the joint broke at the trunnions and I didn't even bother to look. Nice to hear you got replacement shafts in already. :thumb:
I decided to keep the G2 chromoly axles and just replace the u joints. Have to pickup a press this weekend so I can replace the joints myself.
My list of stuff to get done this weekend is long so hopefully I can get to it. I feel the need to go wheeling again soon! ;D
If was a pain to remove from the axle, bet that isn't going to be anymore fun.
You're right! Maybe I'll just take it to the driveline shop and stick to what I'm good washing the Jeep. Lol
What is front driver side D44 axle shaft.
Alloy USA u joint
Brown Santa just dropped these off
View attachment 200489
Crush sleeves
I'm sure they could be used as crush sleeves but that's not what these are for.