Mako build-ish thread

Few custom parts came in for Mako.

Patrick found a pretty good metal fabricator and he went a bit nuts with ordering me stuff.

Got some custom pegs for when we’re just out and about:

I’m rocking them pretty good right now as I’ve just had ACL surgery: (it involved a mountain bike and a bar :))

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Also custom plates and tail light covers.

I haven’t fully committed to putting the covers on. While I really like him thinking of these, I’m a bit nervous since they cover the light a fair bit.

Texas laws says that the tail lights just have to be visible at a certain distance. I’m not concerned about the law as much as I don’t want someone rear ending me.

Anyone got any thoughts on this? I’d appreciate the input

Brakes pressed:


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Looks good. While I definitely see the cons of the rear lights, I say if you paid for them, run them. Just hold on to the stock ones in case you have to switch them out.
I like them. I would run them. If you didn't have the brake lights on the spare tire it would be iffy but whoever couldn't see the 3 different red lights would hit you regardless of the covers.
Looks good. While I definitely see the cons of the rear lights, I say if you paid for them, run them. Just hold on to the stock ones in case you have to switch them out.

I like them. I would run them. If you didn't have the brake lights on the spare tire it would be iffy but whoever couldn't see the 3 different red lights would hit you regardless of the covers.

Awesome thanks for the thoughts guys. I keep almost every stock part I’ve taken off so far. We generally take extra tie rod, trackbar, and such with us when we go wheeling. We are doing a lot more this year since the ACL repair will take 9 months of rehab; doc says no mountain biking during that time.

Hitting the trails and camping this weekend, and going to try and get a few more things done prior. I always feel like before every trip I’m trying to get a million things done on the Jeep.

I’ve had to keep the bumper stock for now because my mitre saw bench is taking up a huge chunk of space, with some of my family’s 100 year old barn wood. I asked my Dad grab me a bunch when they were taking down my grandfather’s barn. It makes reorganizing the garage difficult, and the Jeep barely fits as it is. I want to try and do a stubby conversion on the front bumper prior to going, but we’ll see if that’s in the cards.

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