AZ Explorer
Caught the Bug
That turned out great!
Clean fit.
nice work on the cage!
Very nice! The cage looks great, awesome job.
Thank you gentlemen, I appreciate the compliments!!
Great work on the cage, it looks great!
I also had my windshield crack when I put my cage in. I don't know if maybe I hit the glass when putting the dash bar in or if when I tightened everything it compressed it enough to crack. Of course, I put a new windshield in and a week later it cracks again in traffic... so now I'll be on windshield #3 so far this year :crazyeyes:
My wife has Friday off so she is taking it in while I'm at work. Then I can put my lights back on after. The last windshield was uninsured and I had to go out of pocket, so now I will have an oem one again with the little Jeep grill at the top. Since this is only windshield #2 this year, I'm hoping it lasts for a while. My luck does tend to be like yours though, so we'll see.
I also found that as I bounce around down the road I keep losing sight of the hood over the dash bar and it's a little hard to tell where I'm at on the road. The Mastercraft seats are about an inch under stock height and I was looking for a solution to raise the seats and all I found was a kit for a TJ. Funny thing is, it was just 1.25 graphite body lift blocks and longer bolts. I still had all the blocks from when I took my body lift off, so a trip to the hardware store for bolts and washers and BOOM, done. I now sit about where I did in the stock seats and can see the hood much better now and fortunately the seat lift doesn't look stupid.