After reading this I am not sure who to believe. I keep reading article after article about how solar cells and windmills need to be our energy future in order to save the planet. And that electric cars (vs hydrogen or a wind-up spring) are the only reasonable way to go. I read that we can all charge our electric cars at night using the solar grid.So, here's some more food for thought. In California, only 34% of electricity comes from renewable resources. In states like Arizona, it's only about 6% unless you include environmentally damaging hydroelectric power. These are FACTS and ones that you can verify for yourself if you take the time to look. Just because a car or Jeep is electric doesn't necessarily mean that less pollution is being created.
I am still recovering from the great Texas grid failure due to a big freeze during which solar and wind produced almost nothing, but also natural gas plants shut down. And this is in a red-state which still uses a lot of renewable energy.
Who am I to believe?